Chapter 28: The Mind of Sect Leader, Heart of a Brother - part III

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Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng were laughing with one another as they made their way to the swords hall. The sky had darkened and the busy chatter of Lotus Pier was soft. Small specks of silver began to glitter in the sky, making way for the glow that would belong to the moon.

Wei WuXian opened the doors for them, holding it open as Jiang Cheng walked into the silent room. When they walked in, the three people glanced up, two of them smiling.

"A-Xian, I'm glad you're joining us," Jiang Fengmian said softly.

Wei WuXian gave a small glance towards Yu ZiYuan, before nodding and giving a slight bow. He then walked to his spot, sitting down to Jiang Yanli's left. The silence was thick and tense, Jiang Cheng glancing over at his brother and between his parents.

He cleared his throat and said, "The disciples have been improving well,"

"That's good," Yu ZiYuan mumbled, "You're training them stricter. I've told you it's more effective,"

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "The disciples are listening because A-Xian knows how to communicate with all of them effectively. His communication skills combined with my 'take charge' attitude is more effective than when we separately trained them and weren't in sync,"

Wei WuXian smiled a bit. Jiang Fengmian also looked pleased, "That's a valuable thing you've learned A-Cheng, already thinking like a Sect Leader,"

Jiang Cheng would never get tired of praises from his siblings or Father, beaming brightly. He wished for some from his Mother, but that area was still being healed...trying to be healed.

"I heard you both sparred today," Jiang Yanli said, "The disciples were gossiping about it,"

Wei WuXian was quick to speak before Yu ZiYuan could say anything, "A-Cheng is amazing! He's improved so much since the last time we sparred. He's on par with me, I swear. I have to work harder or else I'd be useless in the future!"

Jiang Cheng glared slightly at his brother, "You will never be useless, plus, I still lost,"

"That was because you focused on depending on your sword," Wei WuXian winked, "You could've won since I was out of practice,"

"Oh, we both know that's not true," Jiang Cheng laughed, but it wasn't bitter, it was warm, "Had we enough time, you'd figure something out,"

"Ridiculous! You'll see, I'll have to put in double the effort to make sure I can protect over you and Shijie," Wei WuXian grinned.

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow, "You're not the sole force...Why must our safety be completely on you?"

Wei WuXian looked at him and blinked. Jiang Cheng then noticed the small movement of the silver pupils, which flickered to Jiang Fengmian and Yu ZiYuan, before coming back to Jiang Cheng. Then he smiled, but something wasn't right with it, "I'm your brother, that's my job!"

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and nodded slowly, before turning his head back to his meal. He saw his Mother and Father look towards Wei WuXian briefly, complicated looks on their faces, but Jiang Cheng couldn't decipher either.

The rest of dinner was complete silence. Once a few servants came in, they cleared their dishes and the family all rose to their feet, about to retreat from one another.

Clearing her throat, Jiang Yanli spoke up, "Mother, Father, may I ask something of you?"

Yu ZiYuan looked at her and nodded, Jiang Yanli speaking hesitantly, "How would you feel if I were able to cultivate?"

Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian shared a surprised glance, looking over at their sister who was looking at her parents with a curious yet nervous gaze. Jiang Fengmian looked at Yu ZiYuan, the lady of the Sect raising an eyebrow to which the Sect leader shrugged. He smiled and looked at his daughter, "That would be wonderful A-Li, but you are unable to cultivate like A-Cheng and A-Xian,"

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