Chapter 32: Fans and Bows

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Wei WuXian burst into the Sword's Hall with a beaming smile. The four Jiang's looked up from their lunch, startled by the sudden entrance. Wei WuXian had been working for a few months endlessly, even Jiang Cheng not allowed a peak of the spiritual weapons his brother had been meddling with since he saw the sketches. From the giddiness wafting around the older, Jiang Cheng gasped, "You finished?!"

Wei WuXian nodded, "They're done! Finally!"

Jiang Yanli grinned like the sun, "A-Cheng hasn't told me a thing! I'm excited!"

"They turned out better than I thought. In looks and power," Wei WuXian was about to ramble but Yu ZiYuan chuckled, "A-Xian, sit down first and eat! You've been working for so long on numerous things,"

"I'm not hungry," Wei WuXian carelessly said and the atmosphere paused.

Jiang Fengmian looked at the boy with a small smile, "A-Xian, no one is going to go anywhere until you eat. Plus, I don't want you to skip any meals if we can help it,"

"Plus, look at this," Jiang Cheng stood up and tugged at his brother's robes, "You've lost weight with no rest and all that running around,"

Wei WuXian pouted, "But-"

"A-Xian," Yu ZiYuan gave him a look.

Wei WuXian groaned, but sat down and began to eat. Jiang Cheng snorted once the first bite went in and his brother's eyes widened, eating quickened, "Not hungry my ass,"

They all finished quickly, the anticipation for Wei WuXian's spiritual weapons and to see Jiang Yanli's cultivation rising. His parents were still unaware of all the details, and the three children kept their mouths shut firmly. Exiting the swords hall, Wei WuXian had them all wait and he ran off towards his room. When he came back, he was grinning brightly and hands behind his back.

Jiang Yanli looked even more eager. Jiang Cheng cleared his throat and glanced at his parents, "A-Jie, before A-Xian shows the spiritual tools, you should tell Mother and Father about the cultivation form you've practically mastered,"

"Not mastered," Jiang Yanli clicked her tongue and smiled, "Xichen and WangJi helped me understand the best form of cultivation. Since my core and body has always been unable to use swords, we never tried anything else. And Yunmeng is not known for music cultivation like the Lan Sect, so it never occurred to us. So, instead...WangJi and Xichen helped me find a cultivation technique that fit my personality the best and we tried it out,"

"There's two techniques actually," Wei WuXian reminded her.

"Which are?" Jiang Fengmian asked.

"Healing," Jiang Yanli held up one finger, "And fan cultivation,"

Yu ZiYuan and Jiang Fengmian's eyes widened. Yu ZiYuan spoke in awe, "Fan cultivation? I've tried it before, it's actually quite difficult since it's such an elegant and gentle form. The patience required is..."

"A lot," Jiang Cheng chuckled, "But it fits A-Jie, perfectly! She's amazing at it, I've seen her when she was learning the basics!"

Jiang Yanli looked embarrassed. Wei WuXian then spoke up, "Since Shijie was progressing, I decided to make her spiritual tools. Here,"

Wei WuXian pulled out two folded fans. Even just at the handle, the four were shocked. The black shimmered slightly in the sun, the purple engravings almost glowing. The designs were complex and compacted, Jiang Cheng understanding why it had taken his brother so long. Each engraving required perfection and precision, especially considering his brother had added spells and arrays onto it. Then, Wei WuXian looked over at his sister, "Open your hands,"

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