"Bella-Bella. Let's not make it personal." Alec said.

"Personal? How can I not make it personal? In the game is not only the Downworld's lives but also mine! You know that all my life I've been lied to my face about what and who I am, but I thought that maybe from everyone I could trust you! I considered you my happy place! I considered you family, but you know what? I forgot how many liars are in my family, and you are just like them. You are not any different from the people I met, you made me promises, impossible promises and when I am not looking you break them." Anna said angry tears rolling down her face.

"Bella I-" Alec said and tried to touch her arm but Anna took some steps back.

"NO! Save it. You know what? Maybe Sebastian was right. Maybe you are not worth it giving up everything I worked for in London." Anna said glaring at him and she wiped away her tears.

Anna then looked him in the eyes and glared. "You are far from an honorable man. You are a fucking liar." Anna said and exited the office. 

"Bella-Bella please. That's not fair." Alec said while Anna was in the frame door.

"You are the one that made it unfair Alexander." Anna said and walked out.


"Anna, you need to calm down." Luke told Anna as she walked back and forth.

"Was he ever gonna tell me? Did he told anyone else?" Anna said angry.

"I don't know he didn't tell-" Magnus started but got cut off.

"I trusted him. I FUCKING TRUSTED HIM. And he took me for granted?! I trusted him more than anyone and he lied me to my face!" Anna said angry and then she threw a fire ball to a near table.

"Look, I know you are hurting. And I am sorry. But you need to settle down." Luke suggested.

"No. Now is not the time for settling down. I let my guard down and look what happened. I am lied, again. Again by a person I love." Anna said trying to shoot another fire ball but Magnus grabbed her arm.

"Yes it is Goldie. Alec is trying." Magnus said and Ana glared at him. "Trust me. He is on our side. He would never do something to hurt you." Magnus said and Anna looked at him.

"But he did." Anna said and pulled her arm from his grip.

"The Seelie Queen is right, we can't trust the Clave." Luke said and Anna looked at him confused. "They deceived us again." Luke continued and Anna frowned.

"The entire Downworld is at stake, Valentine is free and the sword is missing." Magnus said. "We need to tell her." Magnus suggested.

"I don't trust her. I never have." Anna said glaring at the mention of the Queen.

"She is the most powerful person in the Downworld. If we want to stop Valentine we need her help." Luke said.

"Magnus I can't." Anna said looking at him. Magnus looked at Luke and then at Anna and he sighed.

"I'll arrange a meeting to the court." Magnus said.

"I am not coming." Anna said and walked to her room.


After some time Magnus and Luke came in the apartment, Anna was petting her cat and was eating ice cream.

"So how did it go?" Anna asked.

"The Seelie Queen wants to talk with you. She said that she is willing to make a deal with you." Luke informed.

"Tempting, but I don't make deals with the devil." Anna answered smirking.

"Anna.....she knows about you and your origins. She want you by her side." Magnus said in a soft voice.

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now