52: a promise.

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"ah, mill."

"sungho." mill grinned and approached the wizard.

"been a while since we last saw each other, huh? so, what do you need this time?"

mill sat on a couch and licks his bottom lip. "i want you to create something that can kill the king."

sungho crossed his brows. "something that can kill the king? hm, that's impossible but i will try."

"oh come on. you're the best wizard that i know. smarter than that wizard which is hoseok. you can do it." mill rolls his eyes.

"fine. it might take only few hours for it to be made." sungho starts preparing his stuffs.

mill smirked and watches the wizard. "then i will have fun with the human in those hours.

"human? you found a human?"

"yeah, it's the king's boy. he's pretty, weak and damn, his lips are so fucking beautiful. i can't wait to feel them wrapped around my dick. also his ass is so big. i might grope it when i came back to him."

the wizard hummed at that, trying to focus on making mill's request.

"you're a lucky vampire and demon. where's soyeon by the way?" sungho asked.

mill scoffs and crossed his arms. "that demon is useless and weak. i'm guessing she's still inside that prison because of her dumb ass."

"well are you going to save her?"

"maybe. but after i finally killed taehyung." he said, grinning at the thought.

yoongi arrived inside the kingdom, immediately seeing taehyung, hoseok and jungkook.

with crosses brows, he approached the wizard and vampire. "what's going on?"

"oh yoongi, finally you're back." taehyung said and grinned.

hoseok looks at him and sighs. "jimin is missing."

"what?" yoongi widened his eyes.

"mill took him in the dark forest. he disguised as you and took the human." the wizard added.

jungkook sighed out and nodded. "fuck if only i stopped them and saved my best friend."

"what the fuck? that damn demon and vampire." yoongi clenched his fists.

"that's why we're going to the forest and look for the place, house or whatever the fuck it is where jimin and mill are inside. of course, we will bring soyeon." taehyung said.

yoongi nodded. "so soyeon is still here?"

"mhm. we're gonna start a war- ah, no. he already started it." taehyung lets out a chuckle, his eyes turning bloody red.

"if you saw mill, make him unconscious and i will save jimin."

"yes, satan." hoseok said.

"so, only the four of us who will save jimin?" jungkook asked.

taehyung hummed and stood up from his throne. "yes. do not kill mill yet cause i want to do something to him."

"let's go kill that fucker."

jimin woke up and he's still inside the dark room.

a sigh escaped his lips and he hopes that the next time he woke up, he will be inside his apartment in taehyung's arms.

"t-tae.. kookie.." he mumbles, eyes getting blurry from his tears.

suddenly, his stomach growls as he haven't eat anything ever since mill took him to this place.

he doesn't know where he is. he doesn't even know if he's still on earth.

he's wondering if taehyung is looking for him and if jungkook found out about him being missing.

jimin looks around, hoping to see something that can help him escape this place.

his eyes landed on the bracelet on his wrist and his eyes widened.

he moved his hand, trying his best to reach the bracelet to touch it but it's no use. the chains are wrapped around his wirsts and legs tightly that it hurts a lot when he moved his limbs.

a sob escaped his lips and closed his eyes in defeat. maybe, this is really his life now.

a life inside a dark room, limbs chained and being slave of the dangerous demon and vampire, mill.

"joon?" seokjin asked and peeked his head on the room.

namjoon raised his head to look at the angel and smiles softly. "come here." he pats his lap.

seokjin came to him and made himself comfortable on namjoon's lap. "you still sad about it?"

"of course. it still hurts that my horns, fangs and black wings disappeared now. i still can't accept the fact that i'm now an angel, not a demon anymore." the younger plays with seokjin's hair.

"well, aren't you happy that we're finally free? we can get married here! joon, we will create our own little angels and have a family."

namjoon smiles a little. "jin, we can still be free even if we're both demons. i am a demon ever since i was born and forever will be. same goes to you, you are a demon too. you just became an angel because of god. don't you miss being a demon? don't you miss living in the kingdom? and lastly, don't you miss taehyung? your brother?"

seokjin's bright smile immediately dropped and it got replaced by a frown. sure, being a demon is quite fun. also, living in the kingdom is boring but he's happy that taehyung is with him there.

he feels like he's being a bad brother for not thinking about his own younger brother these past few days. he can't help it. living here in heaven is fun, especially he now have namjoon with him. though there's only few angels left. unlike before, many angels are strolling around the place.

"i really can't imagine leaving the kingdom and leaving taehyung. it's my responsibility to protect him, he's my king and he trusts me a lot but where am i right now? living in heaven." namjoon added.

he looks at seokjin, seeing tears on the older boy's eyes. "jin?"

"i-i miss taehyung. i want to hug him to tight and apologize for everything that i have done." seokjin says and wipes his tears.

he looks up at namjoon and cups his eyes. "i.. i want to be a demon again. no, let's be demons again together."

namjoon's eyes widened as he can't believe what he just heard. "are you sure?"

the older nodded and smiles softly. "yes. i am very sure, joon."

"then we will talk to god and will find a way to become demons again. jin, i promise to you this thing." he held both of seokjin's hands then stared at his eyes.

"we will be demons again and we will come back to the kingdom."

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