64 : twins.

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"twins..?" jimin asked, still lost of words.

hoseok gave him a warm smile and nodded. "yes, jimin. you're carrying twins."

taehyung pulled jimin in a warm embrace, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "i'm so happy."

jimin teared up and returns the hug, his face now buried on the devil's neck.

he still can't believe what he just heard. they're going to have twins.

hoseok decided to leave the two and went out of the room.

"t-tae.. it's t-twins.." the younger sobbed out, crying his eyes out on taehyung's neck.

words aren't enough to describe how happy taehyung and jimin are to have twins.


"hello? jimin?" jungkook said before he munched on his sandwich.

[kookie, you won't believe what i will say.]

"oh? spill it."

he heard giggles on the other side first jimin speaks again.

[i'm carrying twins, a boy and a girl.]

jungkook choked on his sandwich as soon as he heard what jimin said.

"really? twins? wow.."

[yes, twins. i still can't believe it though.]

"congratulations, jimin. i'm so happy for the both of you." jungkook grabs his bottle of water and twisted the cap open.

[thank you!]

"taehyung pounded you real good, i see."

he chuckles once he heard jimin's gasp and angry-like voice.

[what are you saying?! g-gosh..] jimin can feel his cheeks heating up.

the older shrugs his shoulders, though jimin can't see it. "oh park jimin. i know you like it."

[whatever! hmp.]

and then, the call ended.

"pfft. this boy."

he stands up after finishing his food then made his way to the exit of the school canteen to head to his next class.

entering the classroom, jungkook spotted yoongi and he walks towards the demon.

he took a seat beside him and gave him a grin. "hey yoongs."

"hey, kooks." yoongi answered.

"so, jimin have twins." jungkook said, pulling his phone out from his pocket.

the demon turns to look at him as he was staring outside through the window before. "not surprised. his boyfriend is a demon anyways."

"what do you mean?"

yoongi looks at the window again but this time, his head is resting on jungkook's shoulder. "most of the demon families have twins. it's in our blood."

"that's.. cool. so if ever, we can have twins too?"

yoongi chuckled. "seoks can't carry a child, kooks. or maybe you're willing to volunteer."

"no fucking way. and i cant carry a child like jimin."

"me either."

jungkook sighed deeply, a frown visible on his face. "then that means we won't have a child."

"i don't really like kids, but you and seoks seemed to like it. also, there's this thing called 'adopting'."

"yeah, i almost forgot about that."

"silly jeon." yoongi pecked the boy's left cheek.


the two are now on their way towards the mall with taehyung driving the car.

jimin is just looking outside through the window and counting the buildings out of boredom.

after finding out about the genders, they decided to shop for the babies' needs and decorate their shared bedroom together.

after few minutes of driving, they finally reached the place.

taehyung parked the car in the parking lot of the mall and unbuckled his seatbelt while jimin did the same.

he was about to open the door and go out but the demon is fast enough to do it first.

taehyung opens the door, making jimin let out a soft giggle. "you don't have to."

"i want to. careful." the other answered.

the demon closed the door after jimin went out before he held the boy's hand as they made their way towards the entrance of the mall.


"tae, do you think this is cute?" jimin asked, showing taehyung a cute matching pink and blue baby bottles.

taehyung nodded, smiling softly. "mhm. they'll like that for sure."

"then we'll get this!" jimin happily exclaimed, placing the bottles on the cart then grabs a few more bottles.

the cart is almost full, full of items for the twins.

pillows, toys, pacifiers, baby bottles, clothes, and many more.

when the two are finally done, they made their way towards the cashier to pay for it.

sorry it's short.

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