3: convenience store.

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"ah just a few more.. hmm.." jimin mumbles.

he was panting and..

doing his assignment inside his apartment.

jimin grins and puts his pen inside his pencil case when he finally finished it.

"and done! great job, mimi." he praised himself.

he puts the notebook inside his bag then check the time, looking at his alarm clock.

"i should go to a convenience store and eat some ramen." he mumbles.

jimin grabs his phone, wallet and keys then wore his shoes. he then opens the door and went outside.

he made sure that his door is locked but when he's about to go, he saw a familiar person enters the room beside his.

the boy gasped as he recognized who the person is.

"i-is that.. taehyung?" he asked himself.

he went in front of the door of the room and he debates whether he should knock or not.

but jimin being a kind person, knocked on the door and waited for response from the said other male.

"maybe it's not taehyung? i should still greet him."

after few seconds, the door was opened and jimin came face to face with taehyung whose wearing his usual dark clothes.

taehyung raised a brow, his hair is messy which almost covers his eyes.

"oh, it's you." he said.

jimin was blushing like hell and didn't even hide his cheeks.

his crush is right in front of him, standing there and looking hella hot.

taehyung could see that jimin's cheeks are red and he knew what's the reason behind it. it makes him smirk at the boy.

"earth to park?" he asked.

jimin snapped out of his thoughts and smiles a little at the older male. "h-hi, taehyung. didn't know that you live now here."

"i just moved tonight." taehyung said.

the younger suddenly remembers that he's going to the convenience store.

"uhm- do you.. want to come with me? i'm going to the convenience store."

taehyung stared at him for a while which of course makes jimin melt before answering.

"sure." he said and went out of his apartment.

jimin smiles happily as the two of them walked towards the nearest convenience store.

as they are walking in the sidewalk, jimin decided to break the silence.

"i have a question."

taehyung hummed as a reply.

"are we friends now?" jimin looks up at taehyung.

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