28: farewell.

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"you sure that he's fully healed now? cause if he's not, i'm going to kill you." taehyung glared at hoseok.

the said boy gulped and nodded. "yes, satan. trust me."

"tae, i'm really fine now. don't worry." jimin smiles softly at the demon.

these past few days of him resting in hoseok's place, he could tell that taehyung really changed now. he was cold and rude towards jimin before but now.. he's being sweet and caring.

ever since jimin got poisoned by soyeon, taehyung completely changed and became caring to the human.

"alright. we're leaving." taehyung held jimin's hand which of course made the younger boy's cheeks turns bright red.

of course hoseok didn't fail to notice the blush.

"thank you for taking care of me, hoseok hyung." jimin thanked the wizard.

hoseok grins and patted jimin's shoulder. "anything for you. i hope to see you again."

"yeah me too." jimin said. "bye!"

"good bye jimin." hoseok waved and then the human and demon disappeared.

they arrived inside jimin's apartment and taehyung didn't let go of jimin's hand.

he doesn't want to let go and leave this boy.

but he have to, it's for jimin's safety. he have to handle hell and destroy heaven as he postponed it because of jimin's health.

and also, he can't visit jimin. he doesn't want to be attached to this boy and fell in love.

he's afraid that he might really change someday like his father and kill jimin with his own hands.

he doesn't want that to happen and he wants to forget about him.

forgetting about jimin is hard. he knew. that's why he will ask hoseok to make a potion for him to erase his memories being with park jimin.

it hurts but, he have to. he wants jimin to live as a normal boy in human world.

he can't be with him. a demon and angel didn't worked out so a demon and human won't work out as well.

jimin looks at his hand, seeing taehyung not letting go. "what's wrong?"

taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and finally lets go of jimin's hand which made his heart shatter.

"n-nothing. why don't you shower and change your clothes then have some rest?"

the human nodded and went to his closet, opening it. "do we have to go to school tomorrow?"

taehyung watched the boy's every moves. "just rest for a week first. i lured the professors so they won't scold you or something. the students too."

"hey, that's bad but thank you." jimin took out his favorite pair of pajamas that he missed wearing.

"mhm." the demon sat down on the bed as jimin went inside the bathroom.

it's been an hour and jimin is sleeping peacefully now.

taehyung stared at the sleeping boy and caressed his cheek. "you know. i never told you this but.. you're really pretty, jimin." he said.

"i'm so sorry but i have to leave now. don't look or wait for me. i won't erase your memories with me so you could treasure it. please, take care of yourself and always stay next to jungkook." a sigh escaped his lips.

"maybe, jungkook is really the one for you. he will take care of you and will never leave or hurt you. trust me." taehyung stood up, his red pupils staring at jimin's sleeping form.

"goodbye, jimin." he said before he disappeared with black smokes around him.


"oh fuck- what the hell!" jungkook was shocked when taehyung suddenly appeared behind him and called out his name.

"what do you want now? huh? you gonna do something to jimin? i thought you don't want to see my face?"

taehyung rolled his eyes. "do you really want to see jimin?"

"are you dumb? of course i do! he's my best friend!" jungkook scoffs.

"i brought him back to human world," satan said. "and he will never come back here again so you have to go back in there and take care of him."

the vampire was shocked at that. "what? what made you change your mind? are you planning something?"

taehyung sighs and rubs his temple. "can you just fucking do what i said and protect jimin?!" he snapped.

jungkook flinched and nodded. "yeah, yeah. but i can't go back in there without namjoon's help or yours."

"where's namjoon?" satan asked. he doesn't want to go back in there anymore.

"he- oh there he is." jungkook said once he saw namjoon enters the house.

namjoon furrowed his brows as he looks at taehyung. "uh what's happening here?"

"bring me back to human world." jungkook immediately said and held namjoon's hand.

the demon, who just arrived and doesn't have any idea what's happening, looks at jungkook in confusion. "what?"

"just do what he said, joon." taehyung glares at him.

namjoon sighs and shrugs before both of them disappeared.

when they left, taehyung can't help but to let his tears fall down on his cheeks.

"fuck. i hate this feeling." he mumbles to himself.

taehyung walks towards the exit of the house and went out then spreads his wings before flying back to his kingdom to plan again about destroying heaven.

and also, go to hoseok later to ask for the potion to forget about the certain brown haired human.

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