1: diary.

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"please come inside and introduce yourself." the professor said.

taehyung enters the classroom while wearing a poker face.

the students were shocked to see such a perfect man and of course, they started gossiping.

"kim taehyung, 20, from daegu."

the students were shocked once again to hear the very deep voice of the transfer student. it was really deep and.. sexy.

jimin stops writing and looks up at the transfer student whose standing beside the professor.

his jaw dropped at the sight. this man is really so handsome and hot.

and park jimin is gay.

he knew since he's only eleven year old that he's gay.

when jimin became a high school student, a guy student caught his attention which made him fall for that guy.

but unfortunately, when he finally have the courage to confess his feelings, that guy rejected him and made fun of him for being gay

ever since then, jimin didn't dare to confess to anyone.

"take a seat beside jeon jungkook. mr. jeon, raise your hand."

and jeon jungkook is jimin's best friend whose sitting right in front of him. which means taehyung will be near him this full semester.

taehyung didn't even bother to thank the professor and went straight to jungkook whose raising his hand.

jimin watched in awe as taehyung sat down beautifully on the empty chair beside jungkook's.

"hi, i'm jeon jungkook!" jungkook grins at the male.

but taehyung's eyes are only glued on the white board at the front. "i know." he simply replied.

jungkook gasps while jimin giggled quietly behind them. he can't believe that his best friend just embarrassed himself to the transfer student.

"what's funny, jimin?" jungkook pouted and glared at jimin.

the boy with golden brown hair shook his head and showed his friend a grin. "nothing."

jungkooo scoffs and just grabbed his pen to write down the lesson.

jimin did the same thing as well like a very obedient student he is.

while the two are busy, taehyung looks behind him to look at jimin.

a grin made its way on his face, his once dark orbs turns red as he stared at the brown haired male.

he then looked back at the front and his eyes went back on its usual dark color and acts like he's listening to the professor.

no one even noticed that taehyung's eye color changed.

as jimin was walking on his way towards home, he spotted a book store from afar.

he immediately runs towards the store and enters the place. the store is only new in this neighborhood.

jimin looks around in awe, seeing lots of different kinds of books.

he strolls around the place until he stopped by a section which contains notebooks, papers, sticky notes and more with different designs.

and then, one caught his attention.

he picked up a very beautiful notebook. the cover is thick and the color is gradient of pink and purple. there's also a pen on its side. it was covered in plastic so jimin couldn't see the design inside.

"hmm. why should i buy this?" he asked himself.

he's thinking of writing his lessons in the notebook, but he's afraid that might ran out of pages.

he suddenly remembers taehyung and that taehyung is now his crush.

"what if.. i will write everything about taehyung in this notebook? like, this book will be my best friend. since i can't tell it to kookie cause i know he won't shut his mouth up and tell it to taehyung."

he checks the price tag on the back and smiles. "it's a little expensive but it's fine."

he went to pay for the notebook before he exits the store.

jimin carefully placed the notebook inside his bag before he continues his journey on his way home.

when he arrived to his apartment, he locks the door and placed his bag on his bed.

he gets some comfortable clothes from his closet before going inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

when he's done, he took the notebook from his bag and grabs the pen.

jimin went to his study table and sat down on the chair then placed the notebook on the table.

he grabbed a cutter and gently removes the plastic, careful not to damage such a beautiful thing.

he wrote on the front of the book which is a blank pink color and giggles.

"even if i will write this, i know they will still read what's inside." he mumbles.

he then proceeds to the first page and started to write about a certain raven haired male named kim taehyung.

let's just hope that no one will really touch park jimin's diary.

istg wp is being a bitch.

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