34: confession.

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after taehyung drank the potion, he lets go of the now empty glass and it shattered on the floor.

his breathing became heavy with jimin still lingering on his mind.

hoseok was just watching in front of him with eyes full of worry, hoping that his plan worked. that the potion he made worked.

"f-fuck.. i feel so h-hot.." taehyung said and grips the arm rest of his throne.

"you can handle that. you're strong." hoseok said.

"w-what's happening? what d-did you do? i can still remember his face!" taehyung shouted and gasped as he felt extreme pain inside his body.

hoseok gulped and stared at satan. "i-i actually didn't do what you told me.."

taehyung looks at him with his burning red eyes.

"the potion i made isn't for making you forget jimin. it's... to prevent you from being like your father someday. from now on, you don't have to avoid jimin anymore and you can be together with him. i know you love him, taehyung and won't be able to live without him." hoseok said.

"yes, you will be able to live without him when you will drink the potion you asked me to make which is to erase your memories with him, but, do you think jimin will be able to live?" he added.

taehyung just stared at the wizard while panting.

"no, taehyung. i could tell how much he cares for you. don't you care about him? his feelings? taehyung, you both like- no, you both loves each other. yours and his eyes showed love whenever you two stares at each other. don't you notice how much he wanted to be as close to you?"

"and you, you love him and don't deny that. tell me what's the reason why you brought him to me when he got poisoned? and why you brought him back to the human world? you want him to be safe, right? it's because you love him. you cares for him. if you don't, you could've just let him die here with the poison slowly killing him." hoseok sighed out.

taehyung bites his bottom lip. "h-hoseok.."

"now, go to human world and find your man. go get him. hurry your ass up and i will take care of the kingdom."

the satan thought for a while before he disappeared and arrived inside of jimin's apartment.

he looks around the place and sadly, there's no sign of the human.

he checks the bathroom and jimin is not inside.

"maybe he went to school." he sighs and sat down on jimin's bed instead to wait for him.

when the night comes, he heard sounds of keys outside the door so he assumed that jimin is finally home.

taehyung decided to surprise him so he teleported in the rooftop which is in front of the apartment building and jimin's room can be seen through the window.

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