60: congratulations.

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a month later

"mmhp-" jimin covers his mouth with his hand then runs to the bathroom.

he vomited out on the toilet all the foods he ate earlier, eyes getting teary.

taehyung went inside the bathroom and rubs the boy's back. "did you ate something bad again?"

jimin sighs deeply and went to the sink. he gargle water then spat it out on the sink. "i don't know.. i only ate the foods you made for me. nothing else."

the demon went out of the bathroom to get a glass of water then placed it on the table.

gently, he holds jimin by his waist and sat him down on the chair. "damn. what if you're sick or something?"

the human drinks the water and placed the empty glass down on the table after.

"we need to go to the hospital, jimin. you're always like this. it's making me worried."

"t-tae i'm fine okay? i just need some rest." he sighs and walks towards the bed and laid down on it.

taehyung only stared at him with face full of worry. jimin is always like this and it's killing him.

he needs to do something to bring jimin's old self. a bright person.

the next morning, jimin immediately runs towards the bathroom and vomited on the toilet again.

taehyung woke up by hearing the noises and lets out a deep sigh.

he won't let it pass this time.

he stood up and grabbed the keys and his wallet along with his phone.

he also took jimin's coat and shoes then waits for him.

after few seconds, jimin came out of the bathroom and went to the fridge to drink water.

when he's done, taehyung made him wear the coat and the shoes before he carries him bridal style.

jimin yelped at the sudden movement and taehyung used his speed to lock the door and run out of the place.

"t-tae, where are we going?!" jimin asked.

taehyung ignores him and made eye contact with the driver inside a car.

the car stopped in front of them and the driver stepped out, eyes only focused on taehyung's dark orbs.

taehyung immediately puts jimin on the passenger's seat then made his way to the driver's seat and sat down on it.

"buckle your seatbelt." he said to jimin who immediately did it.

and then, he drove off to the hospital.

"where are you taking me?" the younger asked.

"hospital." the demon answers, eyes focused on the road.

jimin is really scared right now because of the speed that taehyung is using on the car.

it was so damn speed that he's afraid that they might crash to the cars and die.

but of course, taehyung is a demon after all so it will never gonna happen.

"s-slow down please." jimin said, voice full of worry.

"don't worry. nothing bad will happen." taehyung placed his hand on jimin's thigh.

it makes the younger feel less scared and nervous.

jimin rests his small hands on top of taehyung's big one, taking deep breaths.

it didn't take too long for them to reach the hospital and taehyung immediately hops out of the car and went on jimin's side.

jimin unbuckled his seatbelt and immediately got carried by taehyung who ran inside the hospital.


"congratulations. you're 1 month pregnant." the doctor announced.

both jimin's and taehyung's eyes went wide at what they heard. "w-what?"

"everyone thought that only women can get pregnant but it's a false information. men can get pregnant too but they are really, really rare. here in korea, there's only 200 and more men who are currently pregnant or giving birth with their child or having fun with the kids they gave birth right now.

and jimin, you're lucky because you get to be one of them. once again, congratulations." the doctor left to give the two some time alone.

jimin looks at taehyung with eyes filled with worry, seeing him staring at the door.

"tae..?" he asked softly.

taehyung looks at him and gave him a smile before pulling him in a warm hug. "i can't believe we're going to have a family."

jimin teared up and buried his face on the older's chest. "y-you're happy?"

"of course. jimin, we're going to have a baby. can you believe it? we're going to be dads." taehyung plants a soft kiss on top of jimin's head.

the younger nodded, his tears staining taehyung shirt but both of them didn't care. "taehyung, i l-love you."

taehyung smiles softly and closed his eyes as he enjoys the moment, hugging his lover warmly. "i love you too jimin."

"i love you and our baby."

diary ֶָ֢  ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें