10: lucifer.

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jungkook frowns as he looks around.

it's been an hour already and yet jimin haven't arrived to the classroom. even taehyung but he doesn't care about the raven. he cares more about his friend.

jimin never skipped classes and it's making him worried sick.

"where is he.." he mumbles, staring at the entrance of the classroom.

he sighs and stared at jimin's empty seat. he miss his best friend already.

"i hope nothing bad happened to him and it's nothing related to taehyung. cause if he really is, i will kill him." he pulled out his phone to dial jimin's phone.

jungkook sighed out again as it only keeps ringing. "maybe he overslept. i will just skip the next class to visit him at his apartment."

he slipped his phone inside his pocket and the professor cane inside the room.

when the first class ended, jungkook grabbed his bag and stood up to exit the place.

he then went to the lockers and unlocked his locker to place his bag inside of it.

then, he went to the men's restroom and went inside a cubicle then locks it.

jungkook waited for few seconds before he suddenly shifted on his bat form then flew towards the opened window.

yes, jeon jungkook is a vampire.

they have their own world. a world full of full blooded vampires. no other species are allowed in their world. even the demons, or satan. if anyone dares to enter their world, they will immediately die.

and that's why jungkook doesn't know satan's face but he know who he is. the king of demons.

he and jimin have been friends since elementary already but he never told jimin about who really is. a full blooded vampire.

his family decided to run away from their world as they're being treated badly and decided to live in human world, in busan.

and that's how they met jimin's family. they were really kind to the jeons.

jungkook keeps flying until he reached the apartment.

he doesn't hate light. he's still a human and he's used to it.

he landed in front of jimin's apartment and shifted back on his human form.

luckily, there's no people around and cctv cameras.

he knocks on the door and waited for the brown haired boy to answer.

"jimin, it's me, kook." he said.

he knocks once again but there's no one inside.

jungkook got worried and pressed his ear on the door.

there's no any sound.

"maybe he went somewhere?" jungkook mumbles then decided to leave the building to look for his missing best friend.

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