"What about the music box?" Anna asked.

"You know about it too?" The Inquisitor asked surprised.

"I dreamed about it. Now answer." Anna demanded.

"It was the gift your mother got for you when you got one year old. You liked the music and your parents had a really hard time making you fall asleep, but after you heard the song you will stay quiet until the song was done. Your mother told me she prepared more things to give you as presents, things that would help you with your parents." The Inquisitor explained. "I am so sorry Anabella. I know I should have told you, but I just couldn't find the courage in me to tell you." Imogen said a sad expression on her face.

"But you could have. You could have said something. Maybe I could have trained with my powers and now I could have used them now so I could find Sebastian, or to stop Valentine! But you didn't, and your excuse is that you were afraid?" Anna asked angry.

"In all my life I was never afraid of anything. Then you came along, and you brought so much happiness in everybody's lives. I was never as afraid as I was when I looked in your eyes and imagined them crying in front of me." The Inquisitor said tears gathering in her eyes.

"You are and were my only family when I was little. I always admired you, I always wanted to be a true Inquisitor and leader. But what kind of leader will lie her only family in it's eyes? I don't want to be that kind of leader, and I don't want that kind of family." Anna said tears rolling down her face.

"Anna. I am so sorry. If I can take back the time I would." Imogen said tears running down.

"You know when I was little and I found out about my parents and about the brother I was suppose to have I always said that if I could I will turn back the time to stop those tragic events and have my family back, together and happy. But as I grew older, I realized that I didn't need to do that, because I had you and Magnus. You two where there to pick me up and help me fly, you two were enough for me. You two were my family! How do you think I am feeling now when I found out that the only family that I have and knew lied me to my face my fucking whole life?!" Anna skeds angry and hurt.

"Anabella, my sweet Anabella." Imogen said crying.

"I've had enough of this." Anna said and got up. "If you have information about Sebastian's disappearance then please tell me." Anna said.

"I will I promise." Imogen said.

"I don't trust promises. I can't and won't believe in them anymore. Actions speak louder than words." Anna scolded. Imogen looked shocked at her grand daughter and nodded. "Have a good night Madame Inquisitor." Anna said.

"You too Anabella." Imogen said and they ended the call.

After that Anna searched the security cameras recordings and looked over them. She then found the recordings when Raj attacked Anna and she blasted him strong enough that she knocked the demon out of him. Anna decided to delete the recording and she did and she looked over to see what happened while she was gone. She then found the recordings of Alec and Izzy being possessed. Anna gasped and run out of the office in search for the two siblings.

She found Izzy in the infirmary and she run to her.

"By the Angel Izzy! I saw the recordings. How are you feeling?" Anna asked as she looked at Izzy.

"Tired, but I am getting better. I swear." Izzy said trying to calm Anna down.

"God Izzy. I got scared that something happened to you when I saw it." Anna said hugging her friend.

"I am strong Anna. It takes more than a demon to take me down." Izzy said smiling.

"Right. How can I forget?" Anna said in a teasing voice. "Where is Alec?" Anna asked.

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