Chapter (7): Dark Shades

Start from the beginning

"Are you afraid?"

"Afraid?... not really. Wren and I love each other and that's what matters but I can't deny that my family's opinion matter to me as well." She smiled sadly.

"So, you are basically gonna surprise them on my wedding day?"

"Most probably yeah."

"Okay if that happened... I don't want any family drama or I'm gonna kick all of you out."

Madeline and Eva laughed as they hit each other with the pillows and once they went back to normal, Madeline popped a question.

"Are you planning on having any babies soon?"

"Oh, no, I don't want to get the mommy belly so early."

"You sure?" She smiled at her friend.

"Well, Paul and I discussed this before and we decided if it was a girl we would call her Madeline and if it was a boy we will call him Wren. How does that work for you?"

"I'd be honored if one of your babies is named after me and Wren but why would you call a boy Wren if the real Wren is a girl."

"Duh! She is androgynous and she has a unisex name. It works both ways, sis.... and she's hot."

Madeline giggled. "I appreciate all the compliments but I think you should tell Wren about your future plan."

"Oh, you think she would refuse? Pfft, I can convince her. I have my own way... and she is Wren for god's sake! She's always kind."

"Yeah. She finds that hard to believe though." She muttered under her breath and Eva heard her.


Madeline turned to Eva with a sad look. "Last night she came over here and she said that she thinks she is a wreck and she isn't worthy of love. I just wish if she could see herself like I see her and stop self-degrading herself. I admired her since day one when I worked for her and she thinks she has troubles, but she is so soft hearted, caring, gentle."

"Maybe she thinks that because she was never in love like right now. She is afraid to lose you, Madeline... that's why she can't express her feelings in positive words. You told me that she got hurt in the past because of a girl she dated in college and that in my opinion made her scared of losing you. She thinks that you are wasting your time in loving her, but truth to be told, you guys are perfect for each other."

Madeline nodded and smiled, reaching for Eva's hand giving it a light squeeze, appreciating her words as she started thinking about them.


Wren was running the track with her father and they were chatting together while jogging.

"You know... for an old man like you, dad, you are getting really good at running."

"I'm not that old and you aren't that young either."

"I'm 25 years old, that makes me young."

He chuckled and went to sit on the bench while panting and sipped his water as Wren joined him.

"How is Madeline?"

"She is good..." She smiled. "I'm glad I found someone like her, dad. It's like... she gets me. And every time I feel weak she is always there for me."

"Mm-hmm..." He nodded and looked at the field. "I wish if I was there for you in the past years. You are my daughter and I abandoned you for a long time. I regret missing everything that mattered to you. The college, your graduation, your first day you stepped in your own company, your galas, everything no matter how small or big it was."

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