Story of my life

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This story is a work of names, places, fiction and incidents either are from the author imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

To my readers:

Thank you for choosing to read my story. It is the first story i have written completely on wattpad but I will be publishing the chapters one by one. I hope you enjoy and love this story

Sorry for any mistakes in my spellings/grammars.

I want to say a big thank you to all my friends and loving family for supporting me in writing my first story:The Cinderella Life.

My name is Tana Camarillo, my life became miserable when my parents died. My mom died in the process of giving birth to me, after that my father had to remarry so that I could enjoy what it feels to have a mom. I was really rich in beauty like my mother.

My stepmother hated me and always maltreated me when my father wasn't around,she would beat me with a cane and never gave me food she would only give my stepsisters (Linda and Jessica) she never cared for me, But when my father was around she would always pretend to care and love me. I was afraid to tell my dad about this because my stepmother threatened to kill me and my father if i told him anything, i was a little kid then i didn't understand anything do you couldn't blame my foolishness.


My stepmother only married my father because of his wealth and fame that was a thought I was sure of, And the only reason why she maltreated me was because she wanted all the properties to herself and children, she wasnt ready to share the properties with me. She kept on maltreating me thinking I would run away from home.

After 7 years my father died as a result of a stroke leaving me all alone to suffer (i thought), my life was unbearable, useless, meaningless, empty and I felt like I was cursed. My stepmother took my clothes, shoes, jewelleries my father had bought for me and gave it all to my stepsisters. Quick fact: My stepsisters were the replica of her, they was no difference in them.

She made me a housemaid in my father house and was always finding a way to embarrass me in front of my stepsisters or classmates at school, she refused to give me food to eat instead she opened a restaurant and asked me to work there to earn a living like she always says you must feed yourself not others feeding you, that way I was able to survive a little and that was how I was getting money to feed myself and to buy cheap clothes that looked like rags.

She took me away from my well furnished room and gave me the most smelliest and smallest room in the building near the farm. I was always crying because even though I worked in a restaurant the money I got was not enough to feed me because I would buy my needs, textbooks and notebooks for school all my stepmom did was just to pay my school fees while i buy my textbools and notebooks myself. I bearly got food to eat or water to drink and I will always ask God why my life was like that, I became lonely which lead to my depression which was really affecting me in school. But even at that i was really intelligent, and the best in my class this made my stepmom and sisters really jealous of me.

And if you could believe before my stepmother could allow me to go to school, she told me to sign a contract which would transfer all my share of my father's properties to her, i really loved going to school so I didn't care of the properties I signed the contract and she allowed me to go to school.


I also had many talents like singing and acting , i had always wanted to go to music and art school because it was my dream and i had passion for it but my stepmother always disapproved of it.

My stepsisters made my life a living hell at school they would always get me into detention,
embrass me, say negative things about me to people making them hate me or want to stay away from me.

And that was why every time I walked in school people always tried to stay away from me because they thought I was cursed, they also nicknamed me "Tana the cursed", i had no friends in school because i was always wearing rags, while my stepsisters were seen dressed like Queens.

I wasn't really socialized like my stepsisters, my stepmother made me look like a village spoilt brat, with no technological equipment, except for a phone which one of my closest friend got me. Apart for my phone the only thing that got me busy was either working in my stepmother's restaurant, reading my school notes, singing, imagining or doing house chores.

I wasn't really the sport type, i would sit on the bench and watch others play football, basketball or others who do cheer leading. Those sports looked boring anyway


I always prayed to God to change my stepmother's heart and let her love me like my stepsisters but the more I prayed the more she got worst, i felt like my prayers were getting me in trouble.

I hated my life so much, i always felt like ending my life and going to see my parents in heaven, but any time I tried to end my life something always stops me like my life was a wonderful and magical one. I always felt it was Jesus who was stopping me from ending my life.

Now am 15 wishing my life will go a little better. At least just a little

Please if you love this first chapter support me by liking and commenting what you think about the first chapter.

{Please go check out my other story- Love Bound Forever}

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