Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sunlight drifts through the massive window of my bedroom, which makes me feel weird since I don't even remember that there is even a window located in my room. The thought makes me jolt up as I turn to see Lisa sleeping peacefully beside me.


Last night, she asked me to sleep here, and it's so miraculously unbelievable of her.

Gazing at her face, I have to say that I still have some feelings for her despite all the things she has done to me. I mean, it sounds so stupid, but people who have a crush on someone will understand how I feel right now. Especially, when you want to stop that tiny feeling of yours, maybe not tiny, but then again, when the person you love starts to act as if they love you back, you know all the effort you try to get rid of her coming back in big time.

I sigh in frustration, trying to forget everything she did last night. The way she looked at me when we danced, brushed my ear with her lips when she whispered something, and not to mention, the way she is being so possessive over me. Why has she made it so hard for me, huh?

Is this her torment for me?

"What's making you think so hard?" Lisa opens her eyes slightly to adjust the sunlight before looking to my way.

"Nothing," I give her a short answer before climbing out of the bed.

"You were spacing out, and I don't want to be the reason for it." She replies loudly to make sure that I could hear her since I am already in the bathroom.

Closing my eyes, trying to enjoy the warmth of the water, I wash my body with my favorite soap and look at the mirror to realize that blush of embarrassment and shyness creeps up my face. I am in Lisa's bathroom after a long time, and I still love the smell of it. The smell of her scent and everything.

After dressing up for work, I come outside of the bedroom before heading to the door.

"Jennie, come here." Lisa's voice echoes through the house as I look back to see her standing behind me.

"I am going to work, Lisa. I have no time to talk to you right now." I mutter, not wanting to be in any argument with her.

"I'll take you to work," She says before going to the dining room as I try to replay what she has said again and again. Is she serious?

I follow her immediately, wanting more explanation or telling her that I don't need her to bring me to work since I have my own car. "Lisa, I-"

"Come and eat breakfast with me," She sounds so demanding while taking a chair for me. I sigh in response. "As I said I don't need your help, Lisa. I have my own car, and you should go with Mr. Yang."

"Whenever I drive my car, I take you to work." She says, bringing her cup of coffee to her lips, taking a slight sip before putting it down. She looks at me with a serious expression as if to scare me into accepting anything she wants me to do. "I won't go with you because I don't want to bother you to bring me back home," I reason out.

"Text me before you leave from work fifteen minutes, and I will be there," She talks as if it's the usual thing we have been doing together for a long time, but unfortunately, we have never done that, and I have no reason to start now. "Lisa-"

"Eat now, we have to go in twenty minutes,"

"May I ask why you suddenly want to take me to work?" I ask while eating since I don't want to waste any time, and I have more works to be done.

"Pollution," She mumbles.

I snort, hearing her reason. Finally, the good person I love comes back. She just cares about pollution. Ah, that's why she doesn't want me to do anything besides staying at home.


I sigh, "Nothing,"

Then, we continue to eat in silence.

Several minutes pass as I finish my breakfast, which I don't know who is the cook, I go outside to wait for Lisa from getting one of her cars in the garage. After a moment, a black car comes in front of me as I open the car door to enter by myself, not waiting for her to do that even though she is already halfway to open the door.

I see she goes back to the driver seat after shaking her head a little, "You don't have to do that." I mumble when the car drives off.

She doesn't reply as she looks straight on the street, so I sigh, turning my attention to my phone instead when it rings. "Hello," I answer without looking at the name.

"Hi, Jennie." Kai's excited voice comes up.

"Kai?" I blurt out, surprised that he calls me this early in the morning. Suddenly, I feel a glare on me, and I turn to see Lisa trying her best to be calm. What's wrong with her these days?

"Can you come by my restaurant this morning? We still have time to have breakfast together, right? Irene is here, too."

"Umm, wait a minute." I mute his call a few seconds before turning to Lisa. "Lisa, drop me at the restaurant."

"Why?" She asks in a sharp tone.

"Irene wants us to have breakfast together," I tell her the truth even though it's not the whole thing.

She snorts, "Kai called you to tell you that Irene wants to have breakfast with you? Or he has his sister to be the excuse to meet another person's wife?"


"Okay, tell him, I will take you there." She answers shortly as I inform Kai, which he is enthusiastically telling me that there'll be a great breakfast for us. I smile with the warmth that I have some good friends in my life.

"Thanks, Lisa," I mutter before I get off the car, which she follows me after. "You don't have to take me to the restaurant. I will take it from here,"

She doesn't listen, instead, she continues to go to the entrance as I take a long stride to block her, "What are you doing?"

"Accompany my wife," She smirks.

"Don't tell me you-"

"I'll eat with you guys this morning."

"Why? You don't need to. You have works, Lisa. Not to mention, you have already had breakfast this morning," I explain, hopefully, she will change her mind.

"You ate, too. Don't worry, I just want to get to know your friends better," She finishes before entering the place with a devil smirk on her face.

What the hell!

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