Chapter Fifty

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The ride back to our house after the most romantic dinner I have ever had is so calm and satisfying as Lisa is humming and singing softly while driving. She looks ecstatic after I confessed to her that I want to bear her child.

Never have I thought that she would be thrilled to the idea since we have never talked about it in the first place. Not to mention, our marriage wasn't off to a real good start.

Suddenly, I feel her hand on mine, squeezing it comfortingly. "Thanks, Jennie."

I turn to her, trying to be as serious as possible when her goofy face displays. "You have already done that for a thousand times. It's what I want too, and you don't have to feel like I only do that because of my duty. Of course, it's a part of it, but most of the part is that I love to have a child with you, and a beautiful family needs kid, right?"

"Well, I still need to thank my beautiful wife because obviously, she will bear the most beautiful and adorable kid for me." She exclaims with excitement and joy. She continues to sing the songs, which I happen to know that she is good at it. Her voice calms me down as I smile, looking out the window.


I close my eyes, dozing off to a deep slumber since we had an exhausting while beautifully happy day today. Suddenly, the image of dad leaving us comes into life. His frame and smile that vanishes to a deep frown. Feeling the pain in my chest, I try to catch his hand that later becomes his leg.

My eyes burn with tears.

I want him to stay, but he doesn't. The divorce paper I see on the table is tightly clutched by my tiny hand while my mom crying and my brother comforting her. I haven't been able to read it yet, but my mother's eyes tell me everything.

Pain and more stuff that resembles hurt and despair.

"Dad, why are you leaving us?" I mumble because deep down I don't really understand why back then he chose that path—the path, where there is no us in between. I am too young to ask, and dad is too cruel to leave us behind. The memories of us together still burn at the back of my mind until today.

It doesn't matter where I am going, dad is always there in my heart and imagination. Even if I want to hate him, I can't. To me, he is too kind to be hated. He is too good to be assumed that he is the wrong one. I haven't asked, but something tells me he has his own reasons even if that reason is better or more important than his children.

I sob, seeing the shadow of my dad leaving me while Taehyung grabs my head, pushing it against his chest. He knows I am hurt, and I know he is too because of his fast heartbeats. He's hurt, but he needs to be strong for me and for mom. That's why since that day, my brother did his best to give me what I deserve and protect me from any other man that comes near me, thinking that they would eventually hurt me like that man as he told me.

Also, he reminds me all the time that I needn't him because he will be the dad figure for me. When that tragic incident happened to us, my brother was twelve, and I was five years younger than him. So, I believe that he remembers it more vividly than I am.

No matter what, it still hurts like hell.

"Jennie." A familiar voice is heard. I smile, thinking that it's dad only to frown later that it's just an imagination again. I shake my head, preventing myself from crying over the same old thing, which happens to be so visually right now.

Suddenly, a pair of arms embrace me. The warmth doesn't belong to my dad, I know. Anyways, it is so comforting, and I yearn more. "Don't leave," I utter more like a beg, tightening the grip, afraid that it would disappear like my dad.

"I won't." A whisper reassures me against my ear. Then, I sleep again.

I want to believe the owner of the voice, but for some reason, I feel like I can't. Therefore, I squirm under the embrace, fighting back my tears that continue to fall on my cheeks.

"Jennie!" I wake up to a shout and a hand shakes my face softly but firmly. The sight in front of me makes me at least less scared and get the comfort I need.


She seems so worried and scared while brushing away my hair that scatters all over my face. "What's wrong?" She leans down, gazing at me, looking for some sort of answer, but I couldn't tell her anything now. It doesn't make sense for me at the moment because, right now, all I want to do is erasing the confusing frown off Lisa's face.

After a few moments, I grab her neck, pulling her towards me. When her warm and plump lips touch mine, everything fades away. The nightmares and everything is not the matter anymore when I am with her because I feel loved and cared from the person that I truly love for the first time in my life, romantically.

Her eyes widen in confusion as she tries to pull away, but I plead her silently, hoping that she would understand without asking.

Then, she does. Lisa doesn't fail me. She closes her eyes for the moment before capturing my lips with full force, which I secretly desire. I need a little bit of pain so that I can get a blast of pleasure. Right now, Lisa does what I need.

Her hands go inside the blanket, then under the silky nightdress I am wearing without any panties and brassiere. When her hands touch my sensitive spot, I gasp in shock mixed with excitement. Then, her tongue darts inside my mouth asking for permission which I am happy to grant.

She hesitantly pulls back, looking down at me. "Jennie Kim, tomorrow you will tell me about what was bothering you, and I won't ask again." Then, her eyes turn from worried to lust that causes me to feel delighted.

Now, I don't need anxious Lisa. I need Lisa who can make me forget about everything and enjoy tonight, at least for a short period of time before I open up to her about my past.

My mind shuts and the light of lust comes.

Then, the night goes like us trying our best to pleasure each other. 

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