Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I spent almost an hour to successfully drag her back to the car because my wife behaved like a fucking child when she is drunk. She cursed a lot. Oh god! I am sure she will hate herself when she gets sober. She literally had a fight with one of those women, claiming that that chick looked at me like I am a slice of meat, and she is a hunter. What a bloody impressive metaphor can she come up with, right?

After that, she declared to all the people there that she is married, and I am her wife. Okay, I am happy and really thrilled about that when she finally admits it, but the problem is much more paramount.

If someone looked at me, she said she would call a cop to bring them to prison, and she would be the one who hits them like a maniac. At first, I didn't believe her. I thought she was just joking around like a usual drunk person does, but when she took her phone out and dialed police numbers, a panic attack nearly stroked me. I seized her phone away, putting it in my pocket instead. Consequently, she told a bunch of men at the place that they shouldn't act like me because I am a bad wife.

I didn't say anything and let her do whatever she wanted as I sit on a chair, waiting for her to say whatever she desired because I was so fucking exhausted. Therefore, I became an uncaring woman ever as a wife. So, she stormed out of the place as I ran after her like a fucking puppy, scared that her owner crazy enough to rush away in the middle of the night to some cars on the street.

Now, here we are in our hotel room with her sitting on the bed sulking and on the verge of crying or something. I am tired, and I could do with some sleep right now, but look like Jennie doesn't want me to rest because I bet a thousand dollars that when I close my eyes, she would say I could sleep without her, and I have no heart, doing that.

I heave a deep sigh before trying to talk to her again, "Jennie, let's sleep. Tomorrow, we have a full day together, and I promise I will bring you to wherever you want to go, okay?" She turns to me, pouting. "Then, tell me why did you act as if you were on the side of those women when I am your wife," She snaps, angrily.

"Jennie, calm down, please. This is in the middle of the night, and I am afraid your loud voice-"

She cuts me off, looking away, "See, whenever I bring that up, you always dismiss or blame me for that!" The sound of her hiccupping makes me startle. I look at her sobbing as her cheeks redden and tears falling along. I literally run to her side before calming down a little bit, "Jennie, please."

Brushing my hand off her, she avoids my eyes. I take her head between my hands, maneuvering it towards me. "Listen, Jennie. I care for you, okay? And the fact that I didn't want you to be in an argument with all of the women out there is because I hate the idea of them possibly hurting you," I look into her cat-like eyes that are full of tears right now.

She pensively gazes at her hands, awkwardly. A few seconds later, I hear her muttering, "I am sorry,"

"It's all right," I brush her tears away, kissing her forehead, shutting my eyes, savoring the movement. She feels insecure, I know. Since we got married, I never show her enough affection for her as my wife. Also, the way she acts tough in front of me when she is sober has me realize that she doesn't want to show her vulnerability towards me anymore even though I have already admitted my wrongdoings to her.

She pushes me away slightly, undressing her dress. My eyes literally pop out of its sockets, "What are you doing, Jennie Kim?" She laughs, hitting my shoulders with her small fists, making me more horrified. "Can't you see? I am so hot right now, and I need to change. Bring me some clothes, Lisa." She points to her bag as I nod, taking her pajamas out.

As I hand it to her, she has already undressed, leaving only her white panties and brassiere.


The fuck is wrong with her!

"Jennie..." I mumble as she takes the clothes from my hand, throwing it on the floor. The next thing I know is she grabs my neck before slapping her lips on mine...hard. My eyes literally fall out of its sockets again in one night as she tightens her grip on my neck, pulling me down with her on the bed beneath me.

Her breath is full of alcohol but still has a sweet scent of her. The best combination if someone asks me how it feels to taste it. I might as well just drink the shots from her mouth, and I don't mind it. Oh my god, I really sound like a horny teenager out there. "Jennie, you need some sleep right now," I try to brush her off, but this girl is so damn strong when she is drunk. She pushes her tongue into my mouth, forcing me to open it too.

"Kiss me back, Lisa." She pants heavily. Her eyes are lost in some sort of lust, and I have never seen her like that before. "I don't want you to regret when you wake up," I caress her cheek with the back of my palm as she shakes her head rapidly.

So, I decide to do as she wants me to, closing my eyes before claiming her lips, giving her the most passionate kiss, she has ever had. I continue my work down her jaw and her neck, hearing her heavy breath. "Lisa..." She calls my name lightly before dozing off, leaving me panting like I have run for a mile.

"Jennie Kim, wake up!" I shout as her breath calms down, and she falls into a deep slumber. I heave a deep fucking sigh before taking the blanket to cover her body and force myself to sleep too after a cold shower I took.

Remember, Jennie Kim is a fucking tease!

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