Chapter Forty-Eight

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I wake up to the sunlight that goes through the curtain and hits my face. Feeling the heat on my cheeks, I try to hide the blush which I am sure appearing on them, thinking about what happened last night before rolling out of the bed carefully.

I close the window then leaning down on the soft sheet again, gazing at my wife who has her mouth open slightly while sleeping. I can't help but smile at her cuteness.

Lisa's so gentle and lovely to me.

Besides, she makes me feel so important and precious while making love to me. She doesn't even care about herself. I am certain that she wouldn't have minded it if I hadn't insisted to return the pleasure, but I couldn't be less considerate even though I have had no experience before, but I am happy that I did my best, and she loves it, even admiring me for my first time unexperienced but quick learner thing.

I guess I have got the best teacher.

I trace my finger across her nose and her plump lips. Touching her without having her getting angry really reminds me of our past, but I shake it off immediately because the important thing is at the moment, right?

She opens her eyes, grinning, and grabs my hand much faster than I have thought before I could take it off and pretend to sleep. God, that's so lame of me.

"How are you feeling?" Her expression turns worried when she sees my burning cheeks, interpreting as pain even though it's just the shyness.

"I am feeling great," I give her an assuring smile as she closes the distance and hugs me tightly as if I were a pillow. "Thanks, Jennie." She kisses my hair, rubbing my back soothingly. I really love the feeling of her touching me at the back now. Her warmth is so addictive and desirable. I hesitantly put my hand on her back, returning her embrace. "You don't have to thank your wife for allowing you to have sex with her. It's her duty, isn't it?" I tease as she replies with a serious tone. "Don't want my wife to do it because it's her duty, though. I want her to want me as well."

I tighten my grip on her, afraid that she would pull back to look at how red my face has become right now. When I don't say anything, she continues. "You don't have to answer anything. Don't want to put pressure on you because I know the truth," Then, she giggles at her rhyme.

Sighing in relief, I think about how happy I am at the moment. If I could stop the world, I would do it right now. I want to savor this moment with Lisa as much as possible because I am afraid that one day when I open my eyes, she suddenly changes and doesn't love me anymore.

"Jennie," She calls my name when she feels the tense I have got. I don't want to be emotional, but I can't help thinking about it. "What are you thinking? You are spacing out. Did I say something wrong?" Before I know, she pulls back, looking at me in the eyes. "You regret?" Some pain appears in her voice, but she tries her best not to show it. I shake my head rapidly, not wanting her to take the wrong path. "No. I- I just want this moment to be like that for so long. I don't want it to go away. I am scared it would go-"

She puts her forefinger against my lips, silencing me from going any further, "I won't leave you. I would do my best to give a moment like this to you. You just need to cherish it many times before you get tired of those things."

"I would never be bored of being with you, Lisa." I state sincerely.

"Then, why are you scared so much, huh? I understand that it's maybe because of the old me who didn't know how to appreciate the best thing that could have ever happened in my life, but I wouldn't do that again, Jennie." She assures me with sincerity. I smile, holding my pinky finger up in front of her. "Promise?"

She gives me her infamous grin before tangling the smallest finger of hers against mine. "Promise."

She takes off the blanket, putting on her rope before picking on my lips, smiling the sweetest one for me. "I am going to cook you breakfast. After that, I will accompany you anywhere you want to."

I exclaim excitedly, "Really?" Then, I remember the works we have to do in our everyday life, "You won't go to work?"

"I am going to take one day off. It won't hurt, I guess. Bam will freak out if I call him," She laughs before continuing, "I also ask you to do the same. Please, I will take you anywhere you want. Ice cream, shopping, and everything. I am going to be your credit card as well, lady." She smirks, holding her black card which was on the side table.

"Let me call Irene first, okay?" I ask as she leans forwards, brushing her hand against my left cheek. "Take your time," Then, she is out of the room, heading to the kitchen. I feel my cheeks redden after she leaves. This monkey is really sweet, and I couldn't love her more.

Hurriedly, I grab my phone to ask Irene for a day off, which happens to be a surprise to her since I am much serious in the job from the first day. Anyways, she grants my wish happily and tells me to enjoy my day.

After taking a shower, I step into the dining room as Lisa with her cute apron in the front serving me breakfast. She is such a wife material, and I am so lucky to have her.

From this day, I am willing to forget the past and live this life with her.

An ideal marriage I desire to have with the only person I have ever loved.

"Sit here," She takes the chair for me, sitting across the table after I mumble a 'thank you' to her. Then, we continue to eat in comfortable silence. She laughs and smiles from time to time, and either of them is so bright and enjoyable.

The first day of Lisa and I being a completely married couple.

Also, the day I really enjoy and get to cherish the best company of my wife. 

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