Chapter Forty-Nine

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"I want that bear, Lisa!" Jennie shakes my arm excitedly as she points to the stuffed animal which is sitting in the store across where we are right now.

We have spent this whole morning talking about where we would like to go for the rest of the day. From what I can see, Jennie hasn't spent a cent of my money on shopping yet. She doesn't want expensive stuff from me even though I have insisted on buying her newly exclusive dresses most women desires, and I believe that silky fabric would suit her very well.

Anyways, she just states that she has a gigantic closet full of clothes already, so it would be a waste if I get her more. How funny it is when my wife tries to save the money that I actually get for both of our needs. The profit I earn annually is abundant for us to spend the whole lives, though.

I smile, accepting her request. "Okay, I'll get it for you." She doesn't fail to amaze me every day when she starts to open up for me. She is so precious and irreplaceable. Sometimes, I still blame myself for not seeing her true self and treated her like shit at first.

The lesson is learned.

I promise to take care of her as best as I can. She deserves the world, and I am going to give her that. I get up from the couch we occupy while eating ice cream before crossing the road to get the bear.

It costs me thirty bucks and thirty cents. After I exchange things with the cashier, then I leave the store walking back to Jennie's table. I smile as she grins at me from afar. She looks so young and carefree when showing her gummy smile. I rush towards her when a man coming before me sitting on my previous seat. I frown, signaling Jennie to look beside her, but she ignores it, too excitedly to care.

The thing is I care.

Who the fuck is that man to look at my woman like he owns her?

I am not a possessive type, and never will I become, but if someone touches my bitch, I'm going to beat the shit out of them. I literally push through people to the table, hitting it a little harshly, getting a lot of attention from people around.

He widens his eyes with some sort of realization, but he is stupid enough to smirk and looks at my wife dreamingly. How many men in the world have the gut to behave like this shit in front of me?

I hand the plastic bag to Jennie as she grasps it with enthusiasm. I lean down to kiss her forehead as she tries to pull back when I finish, but I tighten my grip on her head, shooting a lethal glare to the ugly ass man.

He hesitantly gets up, backing off. Then, I release Jennie, sitting at my previous spot.

"What's bothering you? You look annoyed." Jennie gazes at me with a bewildered expression.

"Men nowadays are really susceptible to death." I return her gaze with a fact I come to understand why prisoners are mostly male. I hate to stereotype people. It's a sin, and nobody should do that, but I can't help it when they start a war with me first.

The man is full of beard, creepy I might add as he came to sit near my wife and looked at her like some sort of food. How can I be okay with it?

I am not going to lie, but I was about to call the police and had him sleep and eat for free in the prison for a few weeks if that what he wants. I wonder if he does that to other women too. That kind of crazy and horny man needs punishment.

"Huh?" She curves her brow up, anticipating for more explanation.

"Nothing. Just finish your ice cream and tell me where you want to go after this."

She nods, gripping the plastic bag with one hand and eating the milk-flavored ice cream with the other one. I love that she loves what I give her. Woman like that is so valuable. It shows that she doesn't love your money but you as a person.

Then, I glance up to see a small kid in front of us, walking and giggling to their parents. Her dad kisses her cheek and brings her up after her mom wiped her dirty mouth. That's not what really catches my attention, though. The way Jennie looks at them with affection is what I really think about. Jennie loves kids, I know. I wonder if she is okay to have them with me.

My dad needs our decision next month. Whether I am okay or not, he will get it, and I believe he will do anything to have me agree on it. I am sure if Jennie admits that she is not prepared yet, he will smile and be okay with it. Also, certainly, he is willing to wait forever if that's what Jennie wants.

The thing is he believes that I am just the pain in the ass of this matter. Jennie loves me enough to bear my children. Ready or not, he thinks that I am the problem here.

"Jennie, what do y-you think about dad's decision?" I stammer a little. When she looks confused, I continue. "Kids. Dad wants us to have a kid. Do you think it's too fast for us? I mean, I can tell him that I don't want kids yet. He can yell and blame me all he wants if you tell me a word that-"

She looks at me in the eyes, staring deeply into it. "I want."

I feel like a splash of cold water hitting my face or a stone hits my head. Did I hear it right? Did I have some problems with my ears? Please, tell me that I am not hearing something that makes me more delusional than I already am.

"I want to have kids with you. Next month, tell him that we are ready. I am ready if you are, Lisa." She answers my question without being asked.

I blink a few times, getting out of the dream that is, for once, a reality to me.

Jennie wants to have kids with me.

One day, I will have a family with my wife and my own kids.

The dream I have never thought about before but never fails to make me astonished and the happiest woman I have ever been. 

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