Chapter Forty

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I wake up, strangely early in the morning since I was exhausted last night. I haven't slept much but don't want to sleep more either because I need to make some breakfast and prepare some pills for Jennie. She could do with some of it when she opens her eyes and surely hangover attacks her.

Bringing a tray of food to the bedroom, I sit there for a while before deciding to wake her up. It's nine in the morning now. "Jennie," I mumble, tapping her shoulder slightly. "Wake up," I continue before her eyes flutter. Her face turns sour as she touches her temple, victimized by a headache right now. "Let me help you," I put one hand under her neck, helping her to sit properly on the bed, and the blanket is gradually taken of her.

"Why am I almost naked?" She asks, grabbing the sheet against her chest tightly. Her cheeks redden when she realizes I look at her. I know when she sees that, many things run through her head, but the paramount thing here is to drink medicine and eat breakfast if she doesn't want to get worse. "Nothing happened last night. Don't worry, now eat something before taking this," I hand her the tray of food and some pills. She doesn't say anything and does as I said.

I want us to spend this day with each other because we don't know when we have this kind of opportunity anymore. My work is piled up right now. Anyways, work aside, today will be spent with my wife in happiness and excitement. "Take a shower, I will be waiting for you outside," I walk out after she nods slightly.

Suddenly, my phone rings as I pick it up without looking at the name. "Hello," I answer, sipping my coffee. The next line nearly has me spill the liquid out. "What?! Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible,"

Knocking on the door, Jennie comes out with a smile on her face, and I instantly feel bad about that. My promise is broken, and I hate that I have to break it myself. "Jennie, we have to go back to Seoul now,"

She curves her brow up in confusion, "Huh? You said we will spend this day together," She mutters sadly even though she doesn't know the reason yet. I grab her shoulders, "Look, Somi called, and she said that Ella is sick right now. She is in the hospital,"

"What's wrong with her?" She asks, anxious. She looks like she also cares about the girl. So, maybe she could understand if we need to leave immediately. "I don't know, but we have to go now. I am so worried about her,"

She places her hand on mine, "I know you care about her, Lisa. Me too, but you should have asked Somi about the girl's condition because she could just get cold or something," My face falls, hearing what she said, "I thought you are worried about her, too." I take her hand off me.

"I am."

I shake my head, "No, you aren't."

"Lisa, we are leaving no matter what, and I just don't want you to get too much stressed when driving back. That's why I asked you for more information about the girl. I don't mean to continue to stay here, okay?" She fires back.

I sigh, "Jennie, I am sorry. But if you want to stay here, you can."

"Lisa, do you hear yourself? I am staying here... with who? Irene has already left! You make me look like I want to be here so much, and as far as I can remember, you are the one who wanted to stay here for one more day," She is pissed right now, I know.

"We are leaving now," I grab my bag, "Pack up,"

We drive back to Seoul, using my car, and I focus on the road, glancing back to Jennie from time to time as she gazes out the window, not even sparing me a look. She's sad. I also hate myself for blaming her for that.

"Jennie," I place my hand on hers, getting no response from her. I am a little bit happy that she doesn't take my hand off. If she does so, I will hate myself even more.

After a long drive, we go straight to the hospital as Jennie follows me behind. I frown, seeing that Bam stands there, talking to a doctor with a smile on his face. "Bam!" I call. He looks at me, shocked as he rushes towards us. "What are you doing here, Lisa? I think you two have one more day together in Busan," He turns to Jennie and back to me with a questioning gaze.

"Somi called, telling me that Ella is sick." I reply, continuing with a question after, "Where is she right now?" The girl means so much to me, and I can't be careless about that if something happens to her.

Bam puts his hand on his forehead in frustration, "Lisa, why didn't you ask me? Ella just catches a cold, and I am bringing her here. Nothing to worry about, the girl also told me not to inform you about that because she thinks that you will be worried too much, and here you are backing from your first trip with your wife because of that?"


"I know she would use her sister's condition to get into you. I warned her as well, but she didn't listen because she knew you would be in her trap,"

I ignore his remark before seeing Ella running towards me with Somi beside her, "Unnie!" I hug her, "Are you all right?" I ask, placing my hand on her head. "Uncle Bam told me that you went on a trip with Jennie unnie, and why are you back?"

"I am worried," I embrace her more.

She pulls back, "I am okay, but unnie, you should not have come here because I just got-"

"Lisa loves you, and she will abandon anything for you, so don't say that," Somi cuts her sister off, but her gaze looks behind me. "Somi, I asked you not to bother Lisa," Bam scolds while Ella looks guilty, "Sorry, unnie. You should have not come here because of me,"

I sit to fit with her height, "It's okay," She smiles before turning to Jennie, "Sorry, unnie." I glance to the woman whose face is a little pale as she shakes her head, "No worries, Ella. But, Unnie needs to go now, okay? Unnie is not feeling well,"

"Let me take you home," I offer.

"No, you stay here with Ella; I can grab a cab," She says while walking away without waiting for my response.

Bam glares at me, "Lisa, what are you waiting for? Go after her," I look at Ella as she also nods while Somi refuses, "Take us home, Lisa." Bam cuts in, "Go now, or I'll kick your ass. I will be the one who brings them home,"

"Go unnie," Ella concurs.

I nod before running after Jennie as my chest tightens.

My inner voice tells me that I fucked it up. 

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