Chapter Thirty-One

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I wake up to the empty side of the bed as I sit up with a jolt, looking around to see a cup of coffee on the table and a letter underneath it. The sunlight drifts into the massive glass window, the curtain is slightly open, and the morning wind is so fresh. I take the paper, standing up and reading it, trying to fight back the stupid grin on my face.


When you wake up, I probably will be in a meeting by then. Don't get furious and try to find me like a madwoman - I know you love to do that (last night, you made me believe that you are so damn impatient), but please don't! because as soon as I finish, I will be back. Drink the coffee even though it might be cold now. Sorry, for not waking you up. I see you sleeping so soundly and you seemed so beat last night.

Jennie :)

Her sassy letter makes me smile like a madwoman she thinks I am, but I don't care anymore. She really knows who I am by just being with me for a few months. Gripping the small cup of coffee which I am certain that she is the one who did it for me by tasting the flavor and the right amount of sugar she put into. No matter how cold it is, I will consume all of it.

After taking a shower for twenty minutes, grabbing my bag, I take out my laptop and check my work since I don't have anything to do right now. Therefore, it is the most productive thing to do to kill time. After a few hours of doing some paperwork that I need to finish by next week, I put my laptop back, changing my clothes to grab something to eat. Maybe, I could cook us some brunch. I don't know if Jennie has had breakfast yet. Therefore, I put on a pair of blue loose jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket before tying my white sneakers and go out.

I spot the mall near the hotel and about to go inside when my eyes catch something or rather someone unpleasant to my mind these past few days. I brush it off when I think that maybe, it's just my mind that tricks me into seeing him, but the dream or maybe the nightmare comes true. Irene and Kai are talking and laughing in front of the food stall. I blink a few times to adjust my vision when Jennie, my freaking wife follows them from behind as she starts getting herself into the stupid conversation as well.

She lied.

My blood is fucking boiling right now. Is that why she told me not to find her? I take a few deep breaths before literally running to where they stand. As soon as I arrive, Jennie's eyes dart to mine. Her face goes pale. "Lisa, why are you here?" She asks as Irene and Kai look my way. Irene smiles politely while Kai looks as if he doesn't give a fuck at my presence at all.

"You said you are in a fucking meeting," I try so hard not to shout at her in front of the passersby, but I don't know how much I can control myself anymore when Kai slightly smirks at me, standing so close to my wife. As she opens her mouth to reply, I grab her hand, seizing her away from that man. "Lisa, we just finished a few minutes ago,"

"You are so naughty, little girl. You said you will be back as soon as your meeting is wrapped up. Isn't that what you wrote in the letter?" I whisper, my mouth brushes her ear as I grab her waist and smile at the two siblings. "Alright, thank you for accompanying my wife. I think we should go now, sweetheart. Bye, Irene." I turn her around when Kai's statement makes me stop on my spot. "We just order food. Why don't we eat together?"

"Thanks, but no thanks." I don't turn around but continue to drag Jennie away even though she tries to get herself off me. My anger now is in an upward spiral as I find a quiet place in the corner out of everyone's sight. "You lied," I glare at her, both hands on either side of her head.

"I don't! I don't even know he is here," She fires back.

I chuckle, "You still have the gut to lie in my face when the living evidence just standing right there?" I stare into her fuming eyes. Something in me tells me that she told me the truth, but a stubborn part of me takes over.

She pushes me away, "If you don't believe me, then don't ask me. Believe whatever you want to," She walks away, but I grip her hand tightly, "Is that why you don't want me to find you when I wake up?" She turns around, eyes with fire if I am not wrong. She glares at my hand, "Release me," She states more calmly than expected. I reluctantly do as she told.

Heaving a deep sigh, she looks at me with an inscrutable expression as her next sentence makes my world collapses, "Lisa, go back." I know that she did it out of anger, but I don't back up, "You want to kick me away when that man's here. Is that the way you try to show me that I am just the stone that sticks on the way between you two?"

A sudden slap lands on my face as I close my eyes for a few seconds, knowing that I should not have said that, but why did she have to push me away like that when in fact I just want to be near her?

I open my eyes to see her bewildered face as she gazes at her hand then my face. "Lisa-"

"Okay, let me tell you, I came here because I figured that maybe after your meeting, we could spend a day or two together to get to know each other more. I guess that is what I want, and I am wrong to think that is what you want too, sorry for the misunderstanding," I walk away slowly when she grabs my wrist, "Lisa, I-"

"If that what you need, I will leave... now," I take her hand away before heading to the hotel room.

My heart shatters without me realizing it.

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