Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So, you stormed out of the restaurant, throwing some cash on the table like an arrogant person out there and expect her to call and say sorry to you?" Sitting on the couch in my office, Bam snickers at me after I have told him everything that had happened between me and Jennie this morning.

I sigh, "Who is her wife, Bam?" Abruptly, I slam on my desk loudly with both hands, and I hate it when the idiot doesn't even flinch at my action and acts like I am just an insane person shouting and yelling in front of him.

Across me, he wears his black suit as a good manager he is, giving me some advice about my relationship for about an hour right now. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand what I am trying to explain, and what I hate the most is what he tells me again, and again 'Jennie is right, and you should be the one who says sorry to her.'

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not going to say sorry to anyone? She is my wife, but she is on that guy's side. Not to mention, she had the gut to tell me to leave in front of everyone. Imagine me who is always be the one who tells people to leave me alone, and now it happens otherwise!" I finish in one breath, not realizing that this thing is bothering me since the morning until now.

"So, tell me. Why did you join them when you had known that your 'enemy' is there?" He simply asks, brushing his chin with his forefinger as if I wouldn't have a proper answer for that. I slump back into the chair, heaving a deep breath before replying, "That's the reason why I must go, Bam. As you said, I have already considered him my enemy since I first saw him, so explain to me why should I allow him to be with Jennie when I am not there?"

Bam looks at me with a weird expression, "Is that Lisa? My best friend who always claims that she will never love her wife back?"

"I am not joking!" I glare at him, furiously.

"You don't know how much I was shocked when you called me this afternoon to be in your office and started to spilling everything out. You know, Lisa? You really look like a possessive billionaire who keeps her wife in the room without letting her out like novels I have read or movies I have watched. Never in my entire life do I think that it will be true one day." His eyes sparkle with both amusement and imagination of the stupid things he said.

"I don't. You said yourself that I should give her the opportunity since she is a good woman, and I have already realized that you are right, so when I do give her the chance, you blame me for being possessive. OMG!" I sigh heavily for a hundred times at the last minute.

"Yeah, I said you should give her the chance, and by that, I mean, you should be a good gentlewoman to her, not her dad, Lisa. Look at you, you suddenly change everything in a second. Make breakfast for her, take her to work. Lisa, you are so sweet, but please take it slow. So, the girl won't freak out." He advises.

"I didn't tell her I cooked," I mumble.

"Why?" He frowns. I shake my head, not knowing how to respond.

"Did you tell her why you take her to work?" He asks again.


"What did she say?" He inquires in anticipation.

"Nothing," I mutter in embarrassment.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her that it is because of pollution," I shrug.

"Really?! Lisa, if you are not my boss right now, I am going to smack your head so hard until you pass out or something. Among all of our friends, you are the most brilliant one. Can't believe you are that stupid. Look at that damn chicken, I can see every time she speaks to her wife, Chaeyoung always blushes so hard, and that's the sweet sport, honey. You should learn it from Jisoo." He hisses.

"Why should I tell her the truth, huh? Should I tell her that 'oh, Jennie. The reason I take you to work because I want to get to know you better, and maybe we can work it out'? No way!" Another heavy sigh.

"Yeah, that's right! That's what you should say. Suppose she says this to you, 'Lisa, I married you not because I love you, but it's because I have no choice. My mom forces me, and-"

"Enough, Bam! I asked you to give me some advice not to make things worst." I grit my teeth, thinking about what he has said.

"Nothing is better than honesty, Lisa." He becomes serious and looks at me, "I don't have any girlfriend at the moment, but I have been with women enough to know what they want to hear and what they don't want to."

"Okay," I give in.

Suddenly, my phone rings, flashing Jennie's name and a little heart emoji beside the name, which I won't let anyone see this even her. I answer, mouthing to Bam to know that it's Jennie. "Hello,"

I glance at my wristwatch to see that it's the time she is about to go home, "I am about to go now, wait for me."

"Lisa, I can't go with you,"

"Why?" My voice comes out harsher.

"I-I will be late today. Go home first,"

I calm down, thinking that maybe, she works late today, but the next sentence makes my blood boil, "I am having dinner, so go sleep first."

"With whom?"

"Friends, but Lisa-"

I don't wait for her to finish as I hang up, taking my jacket off the chair. "I have to go now,"


"My enemy is invading again,"

Bam smirks, "Make sure to handle it well, Lisa. Remember, don't act like a dad," Then, he bursts into laughers as I run to the elevator as fast as I can.

Shit! What has gotten inside me? 

Unwanted Brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें