Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Look at you, you said you weren't hungry," I say, amused when Lisa starts to devour the food I have made for her as if there was no tomorrow. She places the bowl down and looks at me with her eyes closed then open them again. She looks tired, and I feel bad because her stubbornness made her wait for me for nearly three hours outside the company, "I don't want to bother you since you have already eaten," Her voice becomes angry or more like annoyed with her brows knitting together.

"Lisa, can you let me explain for five minutes before you decide to cut me off again and again?" I sigh, frustrated about her childish attitude, and I can't keep her that way, so maybe an explanation could help if I don't want her to toss and turn at night because of her anger. I know her enough that she won't sleep easily when her mind still tells her that I was eating dinner with Kai.

She nods in response, shrugging her shoulders as if my answer won't make her feel any better, "Okay, go ahead."

"I ate dinner with friends including me and some of Irene's friends, who happen to be our clients, and that didn't include Kai sitting in the same table with us. That's why we were not at his place since they decided to go to their favorite place instead," I explain as she smiles from ear to ear, getting the information or more like satisfaction in. "Oh,"

"Oh, what? You hung up on me and didn't even listen to me, and now there is only a word called, 'oh' came out of your mouth," I ask, not knowing what to do to her right now. I am still pissed.

She takes a sip of lemonade before replying with a more sober state, "I am happy to know that you didn't go with Kai, and..." She leans back on the couch, placing her hand behind her head to relax a little as she continues, "Um, yeah... that's all."

"You aren't guilty about your behavior or something?" I ask in disbelief, seeing her being so chill right now.

"," She replies, scratching her head a little bit before continuing to consume her soup. She's still intoxicated with the alcohol she has consumed, so I think it's better to brush it off for now.

"You don't argue or blame me for acting like that?" She asks, looking confused or more like amused at me. I scowl at her, pissed off. Who on earth does she think she is to question me everything, and not feeling bad towards her own behavior?

Well, at least she said sorry to me for the things she has done before, right? She is drunk, remember? I sigh. Anyways, she is honest.

"I don't want to fight with you, especially now since you are not sober enough to talk about that," I reason out, hopefully, she would stop asking more. "Alright, you eat and clean yourself up; I'll go to bed now." I stand up as she nods in response. Maybe, she feels a little bit upset that I look exhausted.

As I open the door to the bedroom, I go straight to the bathroom to take a shower before lying on the bed, and Lisa's scent fills my nose since everything here is hers. Her blanket. Her pillows.

Even if she acts like an idiot and stuff, one thing that I love about her is her smell. She smells so good. Arrogant and stubborn and...cute.

I almost slap myself on the face when the word cute comes to my mind. Lisa is everything but cute. Since we got together, she is never cute. A moment later, I fall asleep, taking the blanket up to my head. It's so warm, though.

When the bed is slightly shaking, I wake up in the middle of the night to see Lisa's smiling at me, "Fuck!" I jolt up, catching my breath.

"I don't know you can curse," She grins like an idiot.

"Shut up! You are so creepy, you know." I glare at her, moving a little bit farther from her.

She scowls, "Why? I am not a ghost,"

"You look at me in the middle of the night and smile like ... some drunk man on the street. Oh god, that's so scary." I complain, trying to take a deep breath.

"I... just... um can't sleep," She stammers.

"You should stop drinking a lot of black coffee,"

She frowns, then asking, "Why do you know I drink a lot of them?"

"Isn't it obvious? Whenever you stay home, there are several cups on the table," I yawn, lying on the bed again but making sure that there is a good distance between us.

"You notice," She smiles and sleeps beside me.

I don't answer, brushing it off. I can't let her know that I do notice everything about her, or does she forget that I had a big crush on her. When you have a crush, you are supposed to know everything about her or him, right?

Suddenly, an arm drapes all over my waist as I jerk it off, but it doesn't go away. "Lisa, what are you doing?" I panic. I always want to have some intimacy with Lisa since we got married, but when she becomes really close to me these past few days, I think I am about to find a place and hide from her forever. My heart beats faster when she closes all the distance between us. This idiot knows how to get under my skin for sure.

"Lisa, take your hand off me!" I slap her hand again and again, but it looks like she doesn't care at all. I squirm in her embrace, not wanting any more intimacy. My heart runs a mile per minute, and my cheeks burn at the sensation. "Lisa-"

"Shh, let me enjoy the warmth." She sniffs my neck as my eyes go wide. "Don't try to get away because I have the right to do it, and I know you want it too," An amusement in her voice is almost visible when she says that.

Fuck! You are fucked up, Jennie.

What have you got yourself in? And, how can I sleep tonight? 

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