Chapter Nine

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Leaning on the bedside, I stare at the back of Jennie who runs out of my bedroom because of my laughter. Looking at the towel on my hands, I clutch it tightly before trying to wipe my body to reduce the heat as she told me.

A moment later, Jennie holds a tray of food before putting it on the bedside with a glass of water and some medicines as well.

"You are not going to poison me, right?" I tease as she whips her head to glare at me with annoyance. "What the point to kill you? I am still young to enjoy my life in prison."

"Here, eat this!" She grabs a spoon and a bowl of porridge, handing it to me.

I grip the spoon firmly, not wanting it to fall down since I have no strength left. Unfortunately, it drops on my lap as she takes it along with porridge, blowing the food a little bit before feeding me with the soft substance that I dislike since I was young. I don't like porridge. It's so soft to the point that it's like poop.

"I am full already," I push her hand away when she tries to give me another spoon.

She frowns before putting it down on her laps, "Lisa, don't act like a child. You have to eat something before you can drink the medicine, or you want to go to the hospital right now?" She asks as she finds her phone.

"What are you doing?" I inquire immediately.

"Call Mr. Yang to take the kid to the hospital."

"I am not a kid, Jennie Kim. Watch your mouth before saying anything to me." I sigh heavily.

"Well, I already do. Now, eat!" She gives me another spoon. Then another. Another. And another. Until it's empty. I refuse too many times but fail when she dials Mr. Yang's numbers in front of my fucking face. I don't want him to come here because I can't win them with sickness and two people that are so manipulative.

She's got the nerves to do that to me. I'll punish her when I am alright, now I am too exhausted to do anything. I close my eyes when suddenly, the doorbell rings as Jennie goes to open it.

By hearing the voice, I can literally see the expression on the other person's face. "Bam, what are you doing here? Who will look after the company?"

"Woah, Woah, calm down, Lisa. Nobody is going to steal the company's property, you know?" He comes into view, leaning on the door, with a smirk on his damn face.

"Cut it short, why are you here?"

"Lisa, your friend comes to see you. He cares and feels sad to know that you are sick." Jennie cuts off, handing a glass of water to Bam.

"Thank you, Jennie." He beams at her before turning to me, "See? Your wife here is so thoughtful." He says, smiling at Jennie, who is kind of blushing in front of my friend right now.

I deliberately clear my throat for them to understand that I am here to see their interaction. "You come to see me or my wife."

Both of them whip their heads to look at me in unison as I try my best not to feel uneasy at my stupid words.

Suddenly, my so-called best friend bursts into laughter, clutching his stomach while my wife giggles at his silly action. "Manoban, don't tell me you are jealous. You are so weird when you are acting possessive towards your wife. No worries, she is already yours."

I choke, hearing what he is trying to elaborate. He doesn't even aware that Jennie is here, does he? "What the hell are you talking about? I am never jealous of somebody."

"Oh really? Please, don't make me laugh even more. I am your best friend, and I-"

"Shut up!" I shout, halting him before he could spill more nonsense.

Suddenly, the sound of the ringtone echoes as I glance at Jennie who picks her phone up, muttering a few words before looking at me, "Lisa, if your friend is here, I am going to work now."


She leaves.

I sigh, closing my eyes to calm myself down a little bit before anger explodes. I hate it when someone is not listening to me. Yeah, it is unbearable.

"She works?" Bam asks in confusion.

"Yeah, in case you forgot she studied in New Zealand," I say with no interest, annoyed at my friend who looks even more interested than I do.

"Why don't you ask her to work at our company?"

"Bam, are you out of your mind? Don't you think it's too much for me to have someone walking around me for a full day."

"Come on, she is your wife. You'll have more time together so that you will get to know each other more since you guys skip the dating parts that youth nowadays cherish every moment of it. Think about it. You could have lunch at work together. Commute to your workplace together. How sweet it is." He smiles dreamingly while I clench my fist, stopping myself from punching his face.

"I don't like it." I spit out my thought.

"Well, when someone likes it, you will regret it."

"What are you-"

"Listen, what I am trying to say is that someone will like her if you don't. She is a good woman with beauty and grace. Smart and sexy and everything. I am not the one who takes her from you, I swear. I admire her as a friend, but I can't promise that someone won't. And, if that day comes, I assure you that even the ring on your finger will not persuade her to live with you." He points at my ring finger with a serious expression.

"You come here to lecture me?"

"I am here to look at the great Lisa who finally decides to stay at home when she is sick. And, of course to remind her something important." He gets up, going outside my bedroom, leaving me with my thought.

"But I don't love her," I shout loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh, don't worry, Lisa. You will. Soon."


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