Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"See you later, Irene." After Irene has eaten and listened to all my bragging about Lisa's cooking skill, she has gone back to her room since she needs to prepare herself for this evening dinner with our special clients in one of the exceptional famous restaurants in Busan. "Okay, Jennie. Don't forget to go and ask Lisa if she can accompany you,"

A warm smile spreads across my lips, I am sure Lisa will go with me tonight no matter what, "No worries, she will come," I close the door, walking straight to our room.

Lisa is reading a book on the bed, wearing her black glasses. Her expression is so serious and focused that she doesn't even realize I am coming in.

I hop on the bed beside her, tapping her shoulder slightly, trying to bring the dinner thing up without making her get annoyed of me asking her to go too. "Lisa, you look good in that pair of glasses. Uh, you look so mature and serious like I've met you since we were young," She grins.

Yeah, maybe she comes if I continue to praise her more. She seems to love that a lot lately.

She takes those glasses off, looking at me and puts her book away, "Well, I make sure to wear them a lot,"

I go back to sit on the edge of the bed before telling her about the dinner tonight, just needing some distance, not wanting to feel intimidated by her changing expression when I tell her. "Lisa, tonight we are having dinner at one of the best restaurants here," She jolts up, looking so excited like a child. "Really?" She comes closer, "Never have I thought that my wife is such a romantic woman like that,"

Suddenly, I burst into laughter, making her frown in confusion. "Lisa, 'we' here include me, Irene, our special clients, and you. I mean, if you want to join," Her face turns sour all of a sudden. "I thought we will spend our alone time tonight. Don't want to go, anyways."

"What? No, Lisa. This is important to me, and you should go. It'll be fun, though."

She sighs, holding my hands. "I want us alone, but if you can't, you can go. I will stay here,"

"Why won't you go with me?" She looks away, "Can't you see? I don't want to meet your clients. I have too many of them from my company already,"

What am I going to do? I have already promised to Irene that Lisa will come with me. I will be embarrassed if I appear to be alone tonight.

A wide smile grips on my face as an idea pops out, I get up from the bed before going to take a shower and prepare myself for tonight, and I am sure Lisa's gaze penetrates my back right now when I don't argue more, but I have to play my game well if I want her to go with me.

After half an hour, I come out, wrapping myself with just a towel with water dropping from my head. When that monkey senses my presence, she whips her head to me and her eyes are literally on the floor. Her mouth opens widely. I walk closer, using my forefinger under her chin to close her mouth. "Honey, be careful. Flies will go into your mouth,"

God, I hate myself right now!

She blinks a few times before speaking, "Uh, you are going now?" She asks me as her gaze falls to my front. Geez, this pervert! I try my best to stop myself from trembling under her intense stare. Suddenly, she stands up from the bed, striding towards me with big steps. "Lisa, I am preparing myself. Irene is waiting for m-me," I step back. I know that we have to meet each other at seven o'clock, and it's just half-past five now. So, I have one and a half hours more to persuade Lisa to go with me.

She frowns, stepping forwards. "Is this dinner really important that you have to put a lot of effort to-"

I grab her arm, pushing her to the living room, "Lisa, I need some space," She scowls, standing in front of the door now, "Jennie, I can just sit there, reading the book. Don't kick me out," I shut the door immediately before she could protest more. "No!"

"Don't you need anyone to help you dress," She shouts from behind the door. Tsk, since when did she care so much about me? I look at the mirror, not answering her. My cheeks redden even though I try to deny that I am not susceptible to Lisa's words.

I grab a plastic bag from under the bed that has my dress inside. It's a brand new one that I have bought with Irene after we had arrived. Luckily, we did. Had we not got it, I would not have any dress to wear since the 'you know who' is the one asking to help me packing my luggage.

A slight make-up with a red lipstick that is equivalent to my dress and high heels, I open the door to see Lisa typing something on her phone, "Are you done? I need to get the book from the bedroom right now-" She halts, taking my body into her gaze. That's the reaction I want. I should be excited about that, but instead, I feel a little nervous when her thrilled face turns into a sour one again. "Who bought you this dress? I remember-"

"You remember taking my clothes off my luggage and putting some old clothes in?" I cut her off, sarcastically.

She steps forwards, "Look, I don't want you to wear this to that wherever you want to go alone,"

"Then, go with me," I challenge.

She shakes her head, "As I was saying, I don't want to meet your clients and-"

"Step away, I have got to go now." She heaves a deep sigh. How can I tell Irene about Lisa? She expects me to go there since she wants to introduce someone to both of us. As I am about to open the door, a hand grabs my arm. "Wait,"

I stop myself from smiling before turning around, "Huh?" I ask even though I know I have won this game already, seeing her worried face. She won't let me go there with this dress on me for sure.

"Give me fifteen minutes," She sighs as I nod in response.

"Let's go," She comes out of the room, clad in classic casual clothes that fit her so much. A black leather jacket with black boots and dark denim jeans. She holds my hand before bringing up to her lips, "Cat got your tongue?" She asks, amused when I haven't uttered a word since she came out.

"Irene is waiting," I say before going out as she follows behind with her damn chuckles.

What if all the female clients see Lisa and-

Shut up!

They won't be interested in Lisa if she comes with me, right?

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