Chapter Thirty-Four

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Waiting for Lisa's food, I sit on the couch in the living room, still pissed at her behavior in front of the man, especially the blonde. Did she ever think about me when she was shooting each other an 'oh so good' gaze? Not to mention, whenever I bring it up, she is always pointing out that I am just being 'jealous'.

I snort, thinking about that. Who does she think she is that she can easily make me get jealous like that?

Why did you get pissed, then? My thought mocks me.

Shut up! You are just my thought; you can't be on Lisa's side. It is psychologically considered illegal for you, my mind!

Taking a deep breath, I realize that my mind has made some sense here, but I don't want to admit it, and it is simply because there's only one reason when you get jealous. It's either you are in love or you care so much to the point that you are in love with that-

Shut the fuck up!

"What's wrong?" Lisa runs out of the kitchen, wearing a cute apron with a bear on it. I frown, suddenly remembering that maybe, I have expressed my thought out loud. "Nothing," I state, embarrassed. "Nothing? You shouted 'shut the fuck up' as if you are so pissed, talking to someone. Well, I am surprised that you are alone," She scoffs at me, amused.

"When I said nothing, it's nothing!" I stand up, abruptly. "Well, you don't need to shout again, woman. I know you are starving, but you can't throw your tantrum now and then. It's so rude,"

"Okay, I am sorry. I am going to the-"

"The food is finished. Let's eat," She states, excitedly. "Really?" My mood lightens up a bit as I follow her to the kitchen. When I see the table full of food, I gulp as my jaw is literally dropped to the freaking floor. There are many different mouth-watering dishes right there. If I had not been here the whole time, I would have thought that Lisa had ordered them to trick me.

I glance up to see Lisa's shy smile as she scratches her nape, asking, "Do they look good?" She takes out a chair for me to sit before going to a seat across from mine. "Yeah, they are all delicious, I believe," I say, dreamingly.

"Well, thank you. I really appreciate it, " She chuckles lightly as she picks up some food, putting it on my plate. There are also a few shrimps and a ton of other dishes. We can't eat all of them, and it surely is a waste if we throw them away. "Lisa, there are a lot. Can we keep some of them for Irene, too?" I blurt out.

She frowns and gives me a small smile after that, "Yes, we will, but please don't call her here because as bad as it may sound, I am not ready to see the man yet if he decides to come along." She looks serious before I nod in response, knowing that it's Kai that she referred to.

I continue to eat when I notice that she hasn't touched her food yet, I ask curiously. "Lisa, is there anything wrong?" She shakes her head in response, and something tells me that it's about Kai that makes her this way. I feel a little guilty even though I know that I haven't had any intention to bring it up since I mentioned Irene and forgot about her brother, but really, I did that because honestly, I want to brag about Lisa's cooking skill to my friend.

Suddenly, an idea pops up. If someone acts like a child, even if it is so freaking cliché, you have to treat them like a child to make them feel better. Therefore, I use my spoon to get some food before taking it up and offer it to Lisa as she looks at me, confused at my action. "Eat this," Her eyes widen when she realizes what I am doing as she shakes her head rapidly. "No, I am not a child,"

I do not put the spoon down, instead, I bring it closer to her mouth, "Come on, Lisa. You act like a small sulking child, and how can I do to make you feel better than to feed you, huh? You give me no choice here," I reason out, and she still doesn't give up.

"I don't act like a child, and you are certainly not my mom!" She whines. God, the more she talks, the more I find her resembling the small kid I have encountered. "Well, if you don't eat, then, there is no point for me to eat too," I say, getting up from the chair when she grabs my hand and brings it to her mouth. She munches the food noisily, looking the other way.

I bite inside my cheek to prevent myself from smiling at her childish attitude. Who has ever thought that Lisa, the CEO of the massive company, has this kid characteristic? Again, I have never thought she has occupied a flirtatious attitude as well.

"I have already done as you wanted. Now, eat it! I put a lot of effort into making it for you," She states, still pissed that I make her give in.

We continue to eat in silence for a while as a question pops up. "Lisa, how do you learn to cook? I never know that you can cook,"

"Well, you don't know, but you have already eaten my food already," She finally grins, bringing back her true self.

"Really? Have I?" I ask.

"Yeah, I cooked breakfast for you the last time I asked you to have breakfast with me at home," She winks at me playfully. Here we go again, the flirtatious attitude.

"You haven't told me,"

"You never ask," She replies in a second. "Don't be a smartass, Lisa. You should tell me, anyway, back to the first question. How do you learn to cook?" I ask.

"I always love to cook. When I was young, besides business, I'd love to learn how to cook with the chef in my house," She says.

"I have to say that I never thought that you could do that because of your business aura, but I really am happy that you can cook," I smile, still not getting over the food on my plate. 

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