Chapter Forty-Two

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Since I was out of a hospital a few days ago, Lisa has been so unexpectedly caring and attentive towards me. She takes me to work, fetches me when I am done, cooks me breakfast, dinner, and unbelievably has someone bring some snacks to my workplace every other day even though I claim that she would make me fat if she continues to do so. She just grins, saying that it would be cute if I am a little thicker. That I am so thin, and when she hugs me, she is like embracing the thin air instead of me.

Who the hell tells her to have me in her arms every night when we watch movies? Well, it's also started when I got out of the hospital the first night. We have become really close since then.

It's so unusual of her to do those things to me when she has said to me before that she would never return my love to her, and I have already accepted that, painfully. To think about it, I can't say I am not happy about it because I am, and my feeling for her comes back in full force. She's caring and lovely, and I fall into an abyss of uncertainty again.

I sigh, feeling frustrated. I am working right now, and my thought always goes back to the blonde who calls me every time she's free from work as if I were at home and not at work. Luckily, Irene is my best friend, and she also comes in a few times, seeing I am on phone, but she doesn't complain about anything. Anyways, I should not have taken this work for granted no matter what because she is my friend, she helps me a lot, and she gives me a good salary as a manager in one of her departments. In fact, I just got promoted when we were back from Busan as she said I am qualified for that position.

My phone rings, alerting me that it's already lunchtime, and Lisa will call me as soon as the work time's up for lunch.

"Hello, Mandu." Her cheerful voice greets me when I pick it up.

I hiss, "Don't call me that, Monkey." Have I told you already about the nicknames we label each other? Before, I always call her 'monkey' and tease her about that. I always feel delighted since it pisses her off so much, and she doesn't know how to fire back, but when one evening we were eating dumplings, and she gazed at them for a few seconds then at me, and I swore it was so creepy and weird when a mischievous grin appeared on her face.

A moment later, she stood up, yelling. Her voice echoed our house, telling me that she has found something new. When I asked her, she said my nickname is 'mandu'. She named me after the damn dumplings that I do not like to eat at all. I begged her to change because of that, but she replied with enthusiasm that she loves to eat dumplings.

What's that even mean? She loves to eat the food, and she named me after them.

Tsk, I know her perverted mind, but I stopped right there and let her call me whatever she wants, hoping that she would get bored one day when I lack reaction towards it—it never happens, though. She never stops.

She chuckles, "Monkey loves to eat manduuuuuu...."

Can you hear that annoying tone of hers? She isn't pissed at me anymore for calling her monkey. Instead, she uses it again me, always saying monkey love to devour dumplings, and honestly, since I was born, I never heard about that, but I won't ask her to elaborate, anyways. It's useless because she will find another way to get into me.

Tsk, as if she hasn't got into you yet!

Shut up!

"Lisa, I am hungry now. I have only a while to find something to eat," My stomach growls in agreement. "No worries, open your office door." She says, hanging up abruptly. This girl thinks she can do whatever she wants. She calls whenever she feels like it and hangs up whenever she-


Her words just sink into my skull as I rush to grab the knob, opening the door. I gasp in shock, seeing her grinning from ear to ear while holding some McDonald's plastic bags and two drinks. I want to shout at her for making me nearly have a heart attack, but my other part thanks to her for bringing me food.

My eyes catch the sight in her hands, and the smell is so good. I yank her inside my office before closing the door. Fortunately, everyone is already out for lunch because I don't want them to ask me for more information because I rarely talk about Lisa at work.

"Lisa, don't you have work?" I ask as she places the bags on the table, sitting on the small couch at the corner. "I figure you would get hungry, and I don't have much work recently, so I think it would be great if we eat together," She smiles, handing me a strawberry smoothie as my hand unconsciously grabs it faster than I expected. I should be annoyed, but here I am, trying to stop myself from smiling seeing my favorite drink.

I sip the drink a little, savoring the sweetness in my mouth before asking her in confusion, "Lisa, why do you know I love a strawberry smoothie?"

She smiles, patting the place beside her, "Come here," I follow her offer as she continues, "I know you love it because I have tasted it before,"

That statement makes me even more bewildered. "Lisa, it doesn't relate to each other why you do know I love it, and you have tasted-"

"I have tasted it from your mouth, mandu." She says calmly as if this is the most normal thing in this fucking world before sipping her coffee, leaving me to sweat like I have run a mile even though there is an air conditioner in my office, and it's a fucking winter for crying out loud.

She grins, obviously amused at my condition right now. "What? Cat got your tongue, Jennie?"

Then, my supposed to be mouthwatering lunch becomes the plainest food I have ever eaten in my entire life.

Lesson learned: Be careful with your question, Jennie Kim! 

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