Chapter Fifteen

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After getting the address from Irene, setting it up on the car map, I hurry to drive off to the destination.

Bam might pick up Ella and Somi by now since I have called him to take them to their home. He scolded me when I gave him a quick summary of what happened.

I fucked up, and I know it. He didn't have to add more fuel to the fire, though. Anyways, no time to complain.

Half an hour later, I arrive at a place called 'Crazy Bar'. I furrow my brows at the name with a variety of different colors of light lining upon each word. Jennie has come here?

How come this innocent-look girl could come to this kind of place? I park the car immediately and then bolting to the entrance to see many people in front of the door. As I go inside, people dancing to the 'crazy' music, and grinding on each other as I cringe at the sight. Of course, I have hanging out to these types of places before, but never have the audacity to do such things in front of others.

Suddenly, someone grabs my arm, pulling me to the table in the corner. "Lisa," Irene glares at me furiously.

"Where is Jennie?" I ask instantly.

"How much time did you take to arrive here?" She hisses agitatedly before pointing to the barstool sits the furious brunette who drinks a shot with just a gulp, and a few more empty glasses beside her.

Gee, how much has she been drinking before I arrive? I am about to ask Irene, but she shakes her head, "No time for questions, Lisa. She doesn't stop since she entered here. Go!" She impatiently pushes me towards Jennie as I literally run to the spot, pushing a few drunkards along the way.

"Give me one more,"

"You have been drinking a lot-"

"I said give me one more shot!" Jennie shouts at the poor bartender who is kind enough to remind her, but the girl seems like she doesn't care about anything but the alcohol she desires to consume.

"Don't give her," I say to the bartender as he nods gratefully before leaving, and the cat-like eyes shoot me a dead glare after recognizing who I am. I might be afraid of if I haven't known her before.

You haven't.

But I should have, right? She is my wife.

"Why are you here?" She asks calmly, but her eyes are bloodshot, simultaneously trying to stop here tears and confronting me.

I step forwards, and she gets out of the barstool so fast that she is about to fall, but I am fast enough to seize her arm and waist. "Watch out!"

As soon as she is sure that she can stand by herself, she takes my hands off her as if it would burn her skin. "Don't touch me,"

I laugh without a joke at her demand, "I wouldn't have touched you if you had not been about to fall on this damn floor." I say with annoyance in my voice. "Jennie, please think before doing something. You are married, and you are not supposed to act like this."

That makes her eyes grow fire in angriness, "Also, you are not my mom! I married you to be my wife, not the one who comes to lecture me like I am a child!" She growls.

"Shut up!"

"NO! I am not a kid. I don't want to get accused by something I haven't done, and being okay with everything because of the simple stupid reason that I love someone who doesn't even appreciate my existence." She cries, making a lot of people look at us even in this big crowd and loud music.

With a blink of an eye, I grab her wrist, forcing her head to bang on my chest as my other hand messes with her hair, "Stop, Jennie. You make me embarrassed." I say through grit teeth.

Then, she pushes me with all of her force that makes me literally fall on the floor, "You idiot! How come you always think about your fame and not me. I hurt myself mentally whenever I remind the stupid head of mine about marrying someone who hates me."

"I don't hate you," I whisper back, feeling bad that I cause her to feel that I hate her.

"But you don't love me." She pulls her hair in frustration as I crash my lips on her. I don't know what possesses me to do that, but something tells me that this is the only way to shut this feisty cat from grabbing more attention from others.

At first, she tries to push me away, hitting me with her tiny hands, but I grip both of them firmly with one hand before using the other to deepen our kiss.

The second time, I have tasted her since our wedding day. She's still good, or even better. The strawberry flavor mixed with the essence of tequila.

Great combination.

My hand roams her back until it lands on her small waist. Her body fits mine perfectly, and I hate to admit that I am going to be an addict to her after this.

Fantastic, Lisa!

You told her you wouldn't want her, and now look at you.

I pull back hesitantly, seeing her eyes slightly closes as I carry her in a bridal style before leading us to my car.

Putting her in the passenger seat, I run over to the driver one before driving off to our house. I sigh while glancing at her from time to time. She looks exhausted, and I despise myself that I am the reason for it. She's not even soft like after she just got married to me. It's not too long, but she changes a lot.

You create this, Manoban!

I hit my steering wheel for my stupidity. Like Bam said, I would be regretful if I lost the perfect woman like her. I don't really know how to love, but I will try. 

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