Chapter One

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"Lisa," I mumble excitedly, putting my hand on her thigh while she is driving to our new house that our parents have bought for us. Finally, we can live together.

"What are you doing? Take your hand off me!" Her voice catches me off guard.

"S-sorry," I stammer, not knowing what to do as I take my hand back, looking at my thighs.

"You don't have to say sorry. Just don't touch me like that again." Her gazes fix on the road without even glancing at me. I have to admit that it's hurt when my wife acting this way, but I brush it off since maybe she is exhausted from our wedding.

I smile as I think about how long I have been waiting for this day to come to build a family with someone I have a crush on since we were both young. Even though I know she has never noticed me before, my heart has already made a decision that it will always belong to her.


We arrive at our house as I look around in amazement. It is so beautiful that I can't even believe my eyes. This place looks so good for the small family since it has a wonderful kitchen for me to cook and an enormous dining room for us to watch movies on the weekend. I am in love with this place so much until Lisa looks at me with disgust in her eyes, and I feel like I have done something wrong.

"You want a wife this much, huh? That's why you are just back from New Zealand, yet got married instantly." She sits on the sofa, her head on her hands, looking so elegant and intimidating.

"U-umm," I stutter in embarrassment. I know I am too eager to get married, but my mom insisted so since she said I am already twenty-three, and Lisa here is two years older than me, so they want us to build a family as fast as possible.

"You don't want to?" I ask reluctantly.

"Am I look like I want to, huh?" She sighs, "I don't want to. I have a business to take care of, and a life to enjoy." She says as if she couldn't enjoy her life with me at all. How am I so wrong to think that she loves me as much as I love her the time, she kissed me at the altar and in front of a lot of people. It's so affectionate, and desperate. Maybe, I interpreted it in the wrong way. She doesn't love me at all.

"You can continue to do your business, and enjoy your life. I am not going to keep you for myself all the time. After all, I want to work as well." I sit on the couch across hers, biting my bottom lip nervously.

"Good for you," She mumbles.

"Maybe, I could help you at work. Your business is not a joke. It's so big, and it needs a lot of work, so I can-"

"Do you hear yourself? It's not a joke, so I am certain that I don't need a joke in my business." She smirks at me as if she thought that I don't know what she implied.

"I am not a joke! I've got a degree. I've also got two years of internship when I was in college. You can trust me." I smile, bragging at my achievement. Maybe, it makes her proud to have me as her wife. I will do my best to make her happy.

"I don't care. I don't trust you. How can I trust you when you are the reason I have to get into that ridiculous marriage when I don't even have any intention to do so? You don't even ask me if I want you, or I love you, yet you agree easily to get married to me."

Her words dig deep inside my heart before I get the gut to reply, "You think it's ridiculous? I am sorry if it makes you feel that way, but I am not forcing you, anyways. You can deny."

I try to calm myself down as I don't want a fight with her when we just became spouses a few hours ago.

She laughs dryly, "You want me to deny. To make me become a bad daughter to my parents while you are a good one, who does accept whatever you have been told to do when you just try to achieve something-"

"Achieve? What?" I cut her off, feeling more confused at her thoughts towards me.

"I don't know. You look satisfied. Everyone looks satisfied when they get something they want." She closes her eyes slightly before turning to me with her inscrutable gaze.

When the words fall off her mouth, I suddenly know that she is still the girl I have known. She hasn't noticed me from the very beginning, and I know she will never. If only I had asked her first before agreeing, I wouldn't be hurt right now.

Anyways, the marriage is done. I'll do my best to make her fall in love with me like I fall for her. Hardly. I never forget her since I left this country, and now that I am with her, I will make her mine wholeheartedly.

"Lisa, let's sleep. I don't want us to fight, especially today." I softly say as she gets up and goes to our bedroom without a word.

I go to take a shower, coming back to see Lisa sleeping on our bed. Her feature is so beautiful. Her big eyes. Her serious manner I love since the first day my mom brought me to her house. The one that I wish for is in front of me right now.

I slip beside her, embracing her from behind. I know she would push me away if she woke up, so I close my eyes immediately, trying to fall asleep as fast as possible.

Hopefully, the dream I always have would come true. The day she falls for me like I fall for her. My wife. 

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