Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The atmosphere around us is so laid back and chill, and I love that we don't have to argue with each other all the time. I smile while continuing to eat the dishes in silence.

"Lisa," Jennie calls me, carefully when she finishes wiping her mouth with the napkin. I look up as she becomes a little nervous before speaking to me, "I am going to Busan next week,"

"What?" I ask, scowling, not liking the idea of her going anywhere alone, "Who are you going with? and what are you doing there?" I ask, shooting all the questions at once.

Good, Lisa for not being a dad to your wife like your friend said. I facepalm myself mentally.

Jennie bites her bottom lip and tries to explain. "We'll have a big meeting in Busan, and Irene wants me to go with her. We've already discussed that." She answers, carefreely as if the thought of her going there not triggering me even a little bit. Yeah, maybe, she doesn't even bother if I told her I don't like her working at her friend's company anymore. I also hate myself for denying her offer when she wanted to work at my company. "Jennie, we just got married and get along with each other these days; can you not go there?"

"Lisa, I need to. It's my job," She reasons out, sighing heavily. I put my fork and spoon down, losing the remaining appetite, "Look, you told me about that, or asked me if you should go or not?"

"I didn't ask you, Lisa, because I have already agreed to go," She states firmly.

My blood boils at her stubbornness, but my mind tells me to shut the fuck up and calm down a bit because she's not my child, and I am not her dad. Thanks, Bam for always reminding me that stuff. Now, whenever I have come up with any idea of being too intrusive towards my wife, the fucking reminder holds me back.

"So, my opinion doesn't affect your decision, right?" I ask before continuing, "Okay, good luck," I give her a simple smile, not wanting to argue more and sulk like a stupid teenager in high school when her crush ignores her or speak to another specific person, she doesn't fancy having her talk to.

A few moments later, I feel a soft hand on mine, "Kai isn't going," I assure me even though I didn't ask about that. Maybe, she thought that what I am worried about is Kai's presence, but it's just a part of it. "Jennie, the reason I don't want you to go there is that you go alone, well, without me. Not just the fact that I am scared of Kai being with you too," I look up at her, seeing her become relaxed a little.

She forms a small smile, "Lisa, I am happy that you try to understand me more, and if you really want...this to work," She gestures the space between us, adding, "You have to trust me that I won't do anything that is meant to hurt you intentionally. I don't take a deliberate plan to do that to my... wife, you know." She shyly states.

"I am glad," I smile, but it doesn't reach my eyes because I still don't like the fact that she goes there without me.


"Lisa, I am leaving tomorrow, so would you might if I cooked for you tonight, I mean, if you want," She says calmly, her back facing me when I enter the bedroom after coming back from work early today.

A week runs by so fast, and now Jennie is packing her suitcase for her trip. I go behind her, back hugging her as she is trembling and shaking under my touch, "Lisa, what are you doing? You seem to be so clingy these past few days." She puts her tiny hands on mine.

"You don't want it," I pull back, self-consciously since I don't even know she likes the idea of me being that or not. She turns around, shyly. "Lisa, why are you like that? I just feel, you know... nervous." She looks at her feet shyly. I put my finger under her chin, "Don't be embarrassed about it, it's normal to do that, though." I curve my brow up, "You've never done that before. I mean, uhm...kissing on the lips or something," She shakes her head in response.

"Woah, Jennie. You really impress me. I can't believe you have never kissed anyone before. If anyone tells me, I won't believe since you were in New Zealand and stuff, and it's not a taboo there, you know."

"I did kiss someone on the lips a few times, but it's just a friendly one, not romantically." She explains.

"Okay, we will take it slow, alright?" I cup her tender cheek.

She gives me her gummy smile as I notice that I have grown to love it more and more, and I don't want to be too obsessed with it since I always have a bad habit of being over-possessive and wanting to keep something or rather someone I desire in one place that no one can even see.

Yeah, that's my worst character flaw, everyone should know. In the business world, every deal I want, I get it no matter how much I have to put all the time and effort in to get it. That's why my father trusts me enough to give me the CEO position to handle his business at a very young age. "You have the potential. I love that you are so determined." He said to me once he announced the new boss to all the employees.

"Okay, now go make me some delicious dinner; I will help you packing your suitcase," I offer.

"You can do that?" She asks as I nod.

I carefully close the door behind me before rummaging through her clothes. I frown, seeing some inappropriate clothes that only I need to look at.

Red bikini - got out. I throw it back in the closet.

My body heats up, imaging what she looks like when she is clad in it.

Short skirt, see-through white blouse, shorts - got out. I sigh because no one needs to see these when I haven't done it yet. I hastily put some nice clothes back, including a long dress, which covers all over her body. Black pencil skirt, which reaches under her knees.

Right, that's it!

You've done a great job, daddy Lisa.

Sound's good! I am not her dad but her daddy. I smirk at the thought.

"Lisa, are you ready?"

"Yeah, of course." I zip the suitcase before walking out proudly.

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