Chapter Twenty-Six

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Glancing at my wristwatch for a thousand times since I arrived in front of Jennie's workplace, I decided to call her again. I sigh when she doesn't pick up her phone on the first ring. I came here at five o'clock, waiting for her outside for two hours and a half right now, so it's basically half-past seven at night, and she is nowhere to be found.

I don't want to argue with her through the phone; therefore, I drove here, intending to talk to her when she finishes her work because I won't let her have too many opportunities to hang out with that man no matter what. He is not a good influence, of course.

A few minutes later, she calls back as I answer shortly, "Hi,"

"Lisa, why are you calling?" She asks as if I haven't been waiting for her for nearly three hours. I heave a deep sigh to calm down a bit before replying, "I am waiting for you at the same place, and I don't see you coming out."

"Lisa, I told you I would have dinner with my friends today. You didn't listen to me?" She sounds both surprised and angry. "Where are you right now?" I inquire.

"Well, as I said, I am having dinner right now. I am in the bathroom since you called me, and we are about to finish-"

"I'll pick you up," I hang up before she could make more excuses I don't want to hear. I mean, how dare she has done that to me? Suddenly, my phone beeps with a message from the queen; she thinks she just gets into me.

Lisa, don't pick me up. I will go home with Irene cuz we will be late, and we aren't at Kai's restaurant, so please go home and rest.

I grit my teeth, seeing the message. The frustrated me hits the steering wheel a few times before accelerating to overtake a few vehicles on the way to arrive at my place as soon as possible. After parking the car, I head inside to grab two bottles of whiskey, gulping it until a bottle is half empty.

The thing that I hate the most in the world is when I have no control over something or someone I love, that's why I don't want to get attached to anyone romantically, except my best friends and family. I have seen enough that women love you because wealth and fame mostly, but I don't want to continue stereotyping them again since I have met Jennie.

For a short time, I have got to know that she is different. That not all women are bad, nor they love only the things we get, and there is something inside us that they adore more than anything. That's why I decide to put everything and my beliefs aside and give her a chance. I don't know if it's the right thing to do or not any more.

I sit on the couch in the living room without a light on, so it's dark. It makes me calm that way since I have not seen everything that reminds me of her.

Suddenly, I hear the cracking sound of the door, which indicates that she's already home. Several seconds later, the light is switched on, and she gasps in surprise, maybe it's because she sees me sitting on the couch with one hand holding the alcohol, "Lisa, what are you doing here? Oh god, I am about to die because of a heart attack." She utters, still catching her breath. "You drink?" I can hear the disappointment in her voice when she talks.

"I am waiting for you," I reply shortly.

"And, I told you not to wait for me because I am late, and you didn't listen again," She fires back.

I stand up abruptly, "You want to have dinner with him that much?" I mumble.

"What?" She inquires as if she doesn't understand what I am talking about, so I snort in response, "You have me wait for you like a slave for nearly three hours just for you to have time with your friends."

"Yeah, you are right because you didn't listen to-"

"Because I don't want you to spend time with him," I cut her off as both of us are taken aback at what I said.

"Jennie, I have to tell you this, but I really am sorry for what I have done to you before, but can you give me a chance, and let's see if it is worked out for both of us. I want us to be like Jisoo and Rosé. Isn't that what you want?" I praise myself inside for being so confident and straightforward about this. Maybe, it's just liquid courage, I guess. "Or, you stop wanting that anymore?"

She is still shocked because of her wide eyes. "Lisa-"

I hold my hand up to stop her from telling the painful things I don't want to know, "Don't say anything, give me some time because I have already got enough for today,"

I walk to the stairs before she comes to my side to stop me from falling on the floor, "Oh, it's okay." I take her hands off from me.

"Lisa, don't be so childish,"

I laugh before pleading, "This child wants to say sorry; would you forgive her for that?"

"Yes, I do. I have already forgiven you for a long time," She smiles sweetly to me, making my heart beat a little faster. Tsk, the cringy heart of mine doing some cringy stuff.

"Thanks," I walk away before I could do something crazier than that.

"Have you eaten yet?" She asks worriedly.

"Already," I lie, not wanting her to get more worried than she already is, but my stomach starts to embarrass me by making a rumbling sound. "I'll go to bed now. I am so sleepy,"

"Lisa, wait for me on the couch. I'll make you some soup and a glass of lemonade to make you sober," Her face becomes serious and a little intimidating, so I give in.

The little Lisa becomes so obedient right now.

My mind teases me when I am on the couch.

Shut up!

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