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We were trying to hard to crack into youngmin's address.I just wanted to kill more than anything in this world.I wanted to barge into his house killing him and have felix back in my arms all safe.I was so deep in my thoughts that I did not hear the screams around me until seungmin shakes my shoulder,he had this big smile on his face

"I CRACKED IT, WE DID IT!!!"He said hugging me tightly, it took some time for the words for seep inside but once it did I hugged seungmin tightly.I could hear his giggled and everybody in the room was so happy.I did not know what to do with his happiness.I was so happy.Seungmin broke the hug immediately giving hyunjin a peck and doing a little victory dance in front of his computer.Not only be cracked the address he hacked every camera of the mansion(lets just say he did it, I don't know if it works like that but my baby did it fight me)


They all looked at the camera in the computer and saw there were only in inside no camera on the outside.They were looking at the camera and suddenly saw Felix in the frame.Seungmin clicked on that camera making it full screen.Felix just walked in the kitchen with a long tshirt that came his mid thigh bandage a little red because of the blood, it seemed like he changed it recently.He took a glass of water and drinking it before putting the glass in the sink cleaning it before going back.As he was about to leave he looked at the camera.Everyone was shocked at that, it was like he was making eye contact with them but obviously it was not true.

There were only 4-5 camera and they were all like they were there for felix like to keep a check on him.There was no camera outside which was a little off but youngmin's address was quite hard to find so obviously he thought nobody could find it so he did not bother putting camera outside, he also did not have that good of a security knowing felix would never leave when changbin was on the line.Everyone was happy about it, it meant that they could bring Felix back only with a very good plan and everyone knew X6 was always known for their sleethiness.They just hoped that I works this time as well.

*2 days later*

Today was the day, the day they planned to get Felix out.They had everything planned out.A white rose in changbin's pocket determined to kill youngmin today right in front of Felix's eyes.They were getting their weapons ready, jisung and jeongin were also there.No one could stop jisung and jeongin missed Felix just as much.They both were so happy to finally meet him after these years.

They were all ready and in their car, everyone could hear each other heart beats, their hearts were racing.Changbin, jisung, jeongin were the ones who were the most excited like on top of the world.The car stopped at the 5 minutes distance from the mansion.They did not want to get caught immediately.As they knew youngmin was out with his friends tonight he was about to return back, their plan was taking Felix out with them when youngmin just got there.

They saw a car entering and they got out of the car immediately killing the one holding the gate.Thus is what they planned, they wanted youngmin to everything for them like open the doors.They followed the car, only four of them going out, jisung was only allowed to come out of the car when they sent seungmin a signal which would be after they kill youngmin.

They followed behind youngmin knowing he would lead them to felix without even knowing.They kept following youngmin killing the ones they met in their way, there were not many security as youngmin was quite confident.After some moment they all entered the mansion making sure they killed every single person outside, they knew that at night maids were not there making them four and youngmin and Felix only in the mansion. It was five against one of course they would win this. They were confident as they planned for it very carefully keeping in mind every single little things.

They locked the front door of the mansion and went towards the room. There they saw Felix crying under youngmin.Changbin lost it when he heard Felix cry and telling youngmin to stop trying to push him away. He pulled youngmin off felix's body like be did the very first time in the club. He pushed him on the ground.Felix opened his eyes and was shocked to see not only changbin but only the others.Everyone gave him a smile and he happily returned it with tears in his eyes from earlier actions.He looked at changbin and saw him holding a gun on youngmin's head looking at him with fire in his eyes.

"Felix is mine, nobody can touch him."He said before pulling the trigger making youngmin's body limp and finally fall in the puddle of his own blood.He took the white rose out of his pocket putting it on top of youngmin before turning towards felix who sat on the bed with tears in his eyes.Changbin wrapped his arms around him and Felix hugged him with the same force letting out sobs and whimpers trying to trying changbin everything he has been through, trying to rant and complaint about how he was being treated.Changbin shushed him knowing what he was trying to do.

The others also barged inside once they got the message.As soon as jisung saw felix sitting on the bed he shoot towards him practically sitting on top of felix, felix fell down on the bed with jisung over him.They stayed like this for a few seconds before they both started crying.After all the reunion and felix hugging every single person they decided to get back to the mansion.Changbin picked Felix bridal style taking him to the car.

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