Chapter Ninety | ElizabettaXRoutine

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Mama asked me, 'how was the concert?'

I told her it was fine but my cheeks were tinted pink and my heart was lighter than when I'd left.

There was a man out there who always knew the truth and who always accepted it. He blushed when he saw me in a dress and he changed his music for me, he played music for me. Who would've guessed my best friend growing up could ever be more. I certainly didn't as I thought I was a man; I did always think it was strange how attached I was to him, however.

I shared a room with Gretchen and my humming woke her up but she held her doll and watched my smiling as I drifted into sleep.

Bright and early I got dressed to help with the chores. First I woke up Gretchen and helped her dress. Then I collected eggs from the chickens for mama to cook, then I had to help her cook. After we all sat down to eat, papa went to open shop and took Leo with him to help. Then mama, Gretchen and I swept and dusted and washed the house. Then as Gretchen played with her dolls mama and I went to the river to do the laundry. Gretchen stayed nearby. Mama always let me bring a dagger for self-defense in case we ever needed it. I never worse my shoes either, and I wore far less clothing. Just in case I or anyone else fell into the river it was easier to stay afloat and easier to help.

The river was quiet today so mama immediately got to interrogating me about the previous night.

"Did you meet anyvone?" She asked excitedly and I sighed and went along with it despite how tired I was.

"Ja. They vere all assholes-" mama threw a cloth in my face as I cursed.

"Language, Eliza," she scolded and I grumbled quietly enough she wouldn't hear and removed the cloth.

The colors were wearing out of mamas best dress, I noticed as I washed it and she seemed a little sad. She held up Gretchen's nice dress and noticed a hole so she set it aside to patch later. Money was hard to come by in a marketing town where competition and reputation were everything. It was a loud town too so animals stayed far away, papa didn't have much time to hunt so he'd have to buy the fresh-kill from someone else and butcher it himself.

This morning Leo had been complaining about eating eggs yet again and an idea came to mind mama might scold me for so I'd have to wait for now and go through with her needless interrogation.

"Did you behave?"

"Of course mama."

"Hear anything interesting about the rich folk?"

"Felicity has horrible teeth."

".....any men kiss the back of your hand?"


"Did you exchange pleasantries, did vhey seen interested?"

Mama must really want me married off already. I'm not sure there was much else I could do for the family at this point other than acting like a second mom to Gretchen and Leo who were nearly ten.

"Vhe same amount of interested as vhey vere in any other woman. Probably because it looked vike I have money. Vhy else vould rich men care?"

"Vhey care about a beautiful woman like you who can keep the staff in check and have vhere sons-"

I was a little agitated, "how can you be so complacent!?"


"Vith society! Don't you vant to have fun even once? You Gretchen-" I pointed to Gretchen who looked up from playing dolls.

"Vhat does mama say you can't do?"

"Help papa vith the shop?"

"Don't you vant to?"

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