Chapter Seventy Six | GilXElijah

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May 4

God heard my prayer. Of course, he did, I'm too awesome to ignore.

I'm back. It's me the awesome Gilbert. Forced to write again.

I think I only need to write a few paragraphs though.

They told us to be creative today and write ten things we like so here goes.

One- Swords. Two-Fighting. Three-God. Four-Exploring. Five-My stupid friends. Six-Being the best. Seven-Winning. Eight-The fact I'm so awesome. Nine-Birds I guess. Ten-When Roderick gets scared.

Nun Sophie overlooked my work and slapped my wrists with a ruler.

"Honestly Gilbert. Maybe wrote about physical things, God is a good answer but when writing about friend maybe don't call vhem stupid."

"He vhat?" Elijah asked from the desk over.

Okay, I guess I have to write ten different things now and be "polite" or whatever.

One-Dirt. Two-Trees. Three-Castles. Four-Playing swords. Five-The orphanage. Six-The flute. Seven-Adventures. Eight-Rocks. Nine-The Holy Roman Empire. Ten-Nun Anna cause she's nicer than Nun Sophie.

Sophie furrowed her brows, sighed and gave up.

Nun Anna read them aloud to us. I didn't think women were supposed to read but I guess they have to study the Bible or something.

"Elijah Héderváry. One: Playing Swords. Two: Music. Three: Running. Four: Cats. Five: Hunting. Six: Meat. Seven: God. Eight: Rain. Nine: Winning. Ten: Adela."

Elijah blushed at the last part and we proceeded to tease him but the nuns found it cute.

"Roderick Edelstein. One: Piano. Two: My friends. Three: Harp. Four: Flute. Five: Music. Six: Cats. Seven: Sleep. Eight: Violin. Nine: Rain. Ten: Money."

The last part was most realistic and I laughed at Nun Sophie's exasperated face.

"Dieter Armbruster. One- friends. Two- sunny skies. Three- God. Four- music. Five- food. Six- Earth. Seven- Night skies. Eight- playing swords. Nine- the nuns who take care of us. Ten- the orphanage."

The nuns smiled at his sappy answers.

I rolled my eyes. I was whacking him with a sword today for sure. He needed to be manlier. At this rate, he'd turn into a girl or something.

After the nuns finished reading our lists we took off to play in the field behind the building.

Elijah slapped my back hard as we ran outside and declared, "Gilbert is hunter!"


The others laughed and ran in opposite directions.

I took off after stupid Elijah, who did he think he was.

Rodrick stayed on the steps and fiddled with some grass. The sissy.

It was a little chilly outside. It was still springs after all but the skies were bright and sunny, as dieter apparently liked them.

I chased Elijah to the edge of the field and he took a sharp turn avoiding me as I smacked into the brick fence.

I growled, wiped the blood off my lip and continued to run.

I remember the first day I met Elijah.

It wasn't long ago. Maybe a year. It was raining that day and he came in with a hood, dripping wet and looking into the distance, out of touch with reality. It took him a while to warm up to people. He didn't let the nuns help dress him and he never dressed in front of us. He still doesn't. I guess he's embarrassed that he's not as muscular as me. I'd be jealous too.

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