Chapter Fifty | DealingXAnxiety

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Horrified wouldn't describe the shocked expression on his face.

Gilbert was stiff, frozen solid, unmoving, unblinking, just horrified.

"I don't care if you are I just want to know, because I know it's not your fault I just didn't want to beat around the bush and put it off, I-"

I took a step closer to him and he flinched back anxiously, unchanging horrified expression before the expression became disgusted and furious and...and sad.

"Gil-" I reached my arm out but before I could he began yelling, not in anger, in disbelieving fear

I couldn't breathe, what had I done?

"H-how? Why-why vould you, wh-why vould you think, that-that I'm," he couldn't form proper sentences he stumbled back like the air was knocked out of him.

"Well, for one thing, the pets at the party said the red storm was called such because his eyes were completely red. I saw your eyes do that before you fought Shenck and before you fought Kuro. I heard that Ludwig's father is the red storm and I know you've known him since he was young, I know that Antonio and Francis were guards of the red storm and no one ever mentioned you so that one was more of a guess, I know that the red storm died a virgin just like you, and Francis said the man was very holy as a human and tonight you said you were a holy knight," it took everything in me into stutter my way through my explanation.

"Nein. Nein. Nein Nein Nein Nein." He muttered under his breath, head in hand the other hand reached a tree to steady himself.

I took another step forward and he snapped, "get avay from me!" He roared and I froze.

My face betrayed my horror of his anger, I was terrified of him I was terrified with what I did, I just had to ruin a perfect day to ask him about a theory.

"You're scared aren't ju! Ju should be!" He panicked.

"Gilbert I'm not- let's just talk about this calmly, okay?"

"Vhat is vhere to talk about!" He yelled and he ran.

He ran so fast it was like he'd just vanished.

Was this really such a sensitive topic, it wasn't her fault, surely he knew that?

"Gil!" I yelled and began a pointless pursuit of someone going Mach twenty. Science didn't explain anything these men could do and that was evident as I ran top speed in the direction he'd practically blipped away from.

"Gil!" I continued to scream, "Gil come back here!" I looked around almost giving myself whiplash.

I was in the opposite direction of town, I'd never been this deep in the woods before. Looking side to side I missed the root in front of me and it caught my ankle. I smacked the hard ground and could feel my ankle already bruising. Like that wasn't bad enough it was a downhill angle and my body rolled down the hill without stopping as I hit branches and my skin snagged on thorns.

My arm sliced open on a rock and I desperately reached out for something and managed to grab the same sharp rock.

I panted and looked up the hill which looked rather small and pathetic compared to how it felt rolling down uncontrollably.

I growled and got back up, carefully running down the rest of the hill and my shoes sank into the ditch where the bottom of the hill met with the flat forest in front of me.

I gasped for air and sprinted straight forward.

I might've passed Gilbert already but running forward, further from home, somehow it made me feel like I was making even an ounce of progress.

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