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*ask me anything about the story I'll answer here*
Updated 18/02/2020

Q: What happens when Reader-Chan is on her period, before and after she finds out they are vampires?
A: Beforehand they were always acting nervous like in earlier chapters when Antonio left the room before they explored the forest
After they noticeably become a little more clingy. Blood is like a drug to them and as gross as it sounds period blood is very attractive since they have animalistic instincts it's seen as a sign of fertility and mating which is like a lure to them which can lead to them getting out of hand if they don't distance themselves

Q: Since Kuro exists does that mean that the other 2P Characters Do too? Do all vampires have a dark twin (in a way, they don't have to be strictly related) or was it just a one time thing?
A: At some point in history the other 2ps have existed but not all became vampires, I do have another 2P that will be introduced in the story later on you'll have to wait to see who that is

Q: Where are her parents?
A: Her parents live in the US as does her brother

Q: Aren't her parents worried about her well being and her brother? Or do they already know?
A: Y/N travels the world and has check ins with her parents so they know she is safe, having traveled many years they are used to her not being home. Her brother pretends not to be concerned but they chat as friends from time to time, she mostly does so to annoy him. Her parents do not know the truth about her situation, if they did they'd have gone as far as to contact the fbi to "save" their daughter

Q: If Kuro is there where are the other 2P Vampires? Do the 2P vampires know y/n?
A: The 2Ps that are a part of the association know of her but so far have yet to meet her

Q: What's the reader's disorders and such?
A: Y/N's disorders are up for debate but are based off OCD, ADHD, Bipolar, Panic Disorder and slight PTSD, she may also secretly suffer from dispositive personality disorder or a number of other things as her doctors were never entirely sure.

Q: Does Ludwig know Gilbert is who sort of Dad?
A: Yes, but Gilbert did not tell him for a long time so when he found out a huge awkward rift formed between them and Gilbert is still trying to repair their relationship tow hat it used to be. Ludwig has never addressed Gilbert as his father and continues to see him as a brother.

Q: Who is Allen?
A: Allen is 2P America. He is not biologically related to our Alfred but was turned by him, his daughter is Amanda (2P Nyo America) more information can be found in character profiles

Q: What is Y/N's sexuality?
A: She is a self declared Demisexual, she does not experience sexual attraction to people she has not already formed a strong bond with. Romantically she is supposedly heterosexual but is somewhat curious of women, even though she denies it it's obvious to everyone else she might experimental. She is also mildly genophobic (afraid of sexual intimacy), but her close bonds to the trio and their intoxicating abilities, both intentional and unintentional have lead her to come out of her shell a bit

Q: How many languages does Reader know?
A: Reader knows most languages and strives to learn more. Since she knows the basic roots of most languages it's easy to pick up on similar ones. She is most proud of knowing Ancient or extinct languages. She took UCLA courses online and learned most languages from there.

Q: Who are the main ships?
A: BttXReader, FrancisXGilbert, FrancisXAntonio, AntonioXGilbert, ElizaXRoderich, AnnaX(secret)
Minor ships or hints of past relationships and flings include FrancisXAlfred, FrancisXArthur, FrancisXMichelle, AntonioXLovino, LudwigXFeliciano, EmilXLeon, ArthurXJoao

Q: How long will this story be
A: originally the book was supposed to be thirty long chapters but I couldn't express and tell the whole story that I've developed in my head for years before actually writing it. Wattpad only allows 200 chapters, so the book will be split into seasons. April-July, July-October, October-January, January-April. The goal is 3-5 books, there is a lot of arcs and characters and backgrounds to be explored. In fact when I'm older and more professional I might change the characters and rewrite it as my own series to publish. There are also several side stories planned or already out.
So far I've begun The Story Of Outcasts which goes into greater detail of Eliza, Roderich and Gilbert's backstory which took up quite a bit of this first story. The second will be about Gilbert raising Ludwig, including how Francis and Antonio fell in love and helping them raise the Vargas triplets. Other side-stories include Antonio's past, Francis's past, and short novellas of other Hetalia vampires like Alfred, Ivan, Emma and more.
Something I'm currently working on is a short book on vampire culture, history and anatomy so readers will know more about vampire culture and It'll be less confusing and spread out. You will also have little quizzes to see what kind of aura you are or vampire you are, things like that. I think it'll be fun.

Q: What is Reader-Chan hiding?
A: It's a secret that will be partially revealed towards the end of the book and revealed entirely in the early chapters of the sequel. I will also mention hints through the series to prove this was well thought out from the beginning and not something randomly thrown in.

Q: When will R finally lose her virginity, it's killing me!?
A: Eventually, probably towards February, it will happen though so no worries

Q: will you write about Toni's last, we don't know much about his?
A: yes, each book will explore something different. The first book explored Gilbert's past and his relationship with Reader, the second book with explore Antonio's past and his relationship with Reader and the third will do the same with Francis

Q: Will anyone significant die?
A: That's a secret, but the series will have a happy ending and not a bitter sweet one

Q: What is the human take over Plan?
A: Without revealing too much, the vampires intend to round up all humans and contain them in a Chicago sized building built similarly like the Walled City in China. Their intention is to preserve earth and the nature before humans destroy it. However many vampires also have selfish reasoning behind it. Humans will be seen as inferior and they have thorough plans, some rather degrading and sadistic. Francis, Antonio,, Gilbert and the Terra Association play a large part in the Plan. The nordics are working on the secret construction of the walled city. Alfred and his clan are combating and finding ways to come out to the world and prevent mass suicide to evade capture. Francis translates ancient texts from vampires with similar ideas from millennia ago. Others are working on battle and strategy plans which Gilbert is interested in working in.

Q: Will you Update the profiles soon?
A: Yes, I'm trying to do a bunch all at once. Next will be Elizabetta and Roderich's co-clan. A co Clan is a clan where members are located in different areas instead of all together.

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