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Bright and early the next morning, Blair had sent Nate and Chloe an SOS text. Nate didn't want to go, he felt that it was some ploy but Chloe knew Blair wouldn't send those texts for no reason. After the two are done getting ready they head to Blair's, and by surprise, meets Chuck there as well. Chloe kisses Chuck on the cheek, greeting him. Nate simply ignores him, as if he wasn't there making Chloe sigh. I hope they can be friends again. When they get up to her room, Dorota tells them to sit tight until Blair gets home.

"She's not even here?" Nate scoffs, Chloe takes his hand. He calms down immediately. After about 30 minutes of awkward silence, the elevator rings and Blair walks out. "Well is something actually wrong or is this just some ploy to get us all here?" Nate presses Blair. Blair doesn't even flinch at his attitude.

"I meant what I said on the phone. I need your help. We need your help." Chloe walks past Nate, glaring at his rudeness. Only to see Serena, hallucinating on the floor. The two boys run and grab her, while Chloe runs upstairs starting the bath water. Chloe and Blair help the drunk girl into the bathtub, Nate shutting the door respecting her privacy. Serena then throws up, making Chloe scream and cry dramatically. Blair pulled the girl out, Nate holds the girl rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"I forgot you were scared of throw up." Nate says, making Chloe glare. "What's going on with her??" Nate asks Blair. Blair explains everything that happened the previous night. Grabbing the water bottles and walking back in the bathroom. The 3 go downstairs, waiting for the two girls to finish up. The elevator rings, indicating someone was here. Chloe look towards it, seeing Dan. They all begin to panic.

"Huh," he says looking at Nate and Blair in the same room. "Guess I missed a chapter..." he then looks at Chuck and Chloe who walks out. "Or 4? Don't all of you hate each other?" Dan chuckles.




"I'm just here for the food." They all look at Chloe, who only shrugs.

"I am looking for Serena." Dan smiles at the 4, hoping to get an answer.

"She's not here." Chuck answers quickly. Dan looks at all of them suspiciously.

"I think she is."

"No she just left! You two probably didn't cross paths." Chloe says, speaking as steady as she can.

"I don't believe you." Blair sighs.

"Fine, I didn't want to tell you this but...she doesn't want to see you." Blair said, making him chuckle.

"Come on, really?" He still didn't believe any of them. Chloe started to feel bad, and Nate noticed. He took her hand without anybody noticing, squeezing it. Dan tries to get past all of them, but they barricade the stairs. He tries again, only for chuck to hold him back. Serena then comes downstairs, Chloe was glad she was looking a bit better. Serena takes Dan near the elevator and talks to him quietly, though they all listened. After Dan left, Chloe was the first to speak up.

"You cheated on him S?" Chloe asked, Serena starts to cry. "Why would you do that? Don't you love him?"

"No no I didn't cheat on him last night I remember everything." Serena rambled, making everybody confused.

"Then why would you say all of that to him?" Blair asked.

"Because I would rather have Dan think I cheated on him, then know what I really did." Serena said, though Chloe loved Serena, she always thought she was a bit dramatic. More dramatic than Chloe herself and that's saying something. But Chloe bit her tongue, and comforted the girl.

"What you really did?" Nate asked, by now everybody just wanted answers that Serena was too scared to say.

"Dan puts me on a pedestal, if he knew the truth he would never look at me again." She cried, walking to the couch area. Nate sat down in a love chair, taking Chloe on his lap and Blair sat next to Serena.

"You're starting to scare even me, what did you do?" Chuck said, standing near everybody. She still refused to tell them, the words felt like bullets about to kill someone.

"None of us are saints Serena." Chloe said, Blair agreeing.

"Yeah I had sex with him the back of the limo." Blair said, nonchalantly pointing at Chuck.

"Several times."

"I had sex with you at a wedding while I was her date..." Nate said, glaring at Chuck. "Once." Everybody then looks at the two siblings. Chuck obviously had a lot, nobody could think of one for Chloe. Not one that was her fault anyways.

"We're Chuck and Chloe Bass." The siblings smirk at each other. Blair rolls her eyes.

"You could tell us anything. We don't judge, we're the non judging breakfast club." Blair jokes, trying to lighten up the mood. "We're your best friends." Chloe and Blair take each of her hands. Serena then starts to explain (J here! I'm sure we all know what happens, so I'm not going to do all of her dialogue. :)) everybody watches her as she explains, Chloe feeling really bad. Everybody now understood why she left for boarding school. It made sense now, why she never said goodbye to her best friends. She made the three of them promise not to say anything to anyone, she was too scared Georgina would tell Dan. They all look at each other, mentally plotting on what they'll do without telling Serena just yet.

Watch out S just because you finally tell the truth doesn't mean they'll be consequences.

J here! I started this story a week ago and already have 1k reads!! I just want to say thank you so much. With almost 70 hearts AND number 1 with the hashtag #blairwaldorf!!!!! I've always wanted to write on Wattpad, just never had the courage too until now. Everybody on this app inspires me, and all of your support really makes me incredibly happy. So thank you all :,) <3

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