1 (Season 2)

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Nate was terrible. This summer he tried everything to get his mind off of Chloe. To get his mind off of the guilt and pain that he caused himself. He tried another, failed, relationship with an older woman. He kissed Serena, tried getting back with Vanessa, he even tried drinking. Nothing could get his mind off of Chloe. His summer was complete shit, especially finding out that his funds are frozen. His family would soon be broke and he didn't know what to do.

Nobody has seen Chloe all summer, well, except on Gossip girl AND every news outlet there is. Chloe had started her own business, a business of the Bass industry. Yes; she was still under the Bass name but much to her fathers display, will be taking his business on the islands that he doesn't care about and make it her own. She's building them from the bottom up, the people on every island she visited loved her, not only was she helping their economy, she was giving back to them, with shelter, food, water and hospitality in all of her buildings. Her buildings were for the less fortunate, who can pay whatever they had, to get a 5 star room with great service and a free restaurant tip only. She had no shame in doing so. She didn't care about the money, she only wanted to help everybody. She would pay the buildings in full price, if that meant the locals didn't have to pay rarely any. She also bought a bunch of apartment buildings in New York, and will be buying a lot more when she gets back out there. Chloe is now the youngest, richest business owner in the country.

Blair, and Chuck called Chloe everyday. Blair complaining about Chuck, Chuck being nonchalant about everything and Blair finding a Lord. Then Chuck being upset that she found someone even though he pushed her to her limit. It's been a crazy one since she's been gone, but now she was back. Making a quick stop to see-

"Brother!" Chloe yelled, she runs and hugs him. He smiles and keeps her close, kissing her cheek.

"Wow, you turn 16 and don't know how to no become rich. Look at you go." Chloe giggles, Chuck was really proud of her. She did this with nobody's help, and though she were younger, he looked up to her. "I heard you bought an apartment building near here, are you gonna be living there?"

"Yes, as much as it would be cool to all be here as a family again, I think it's time for me to move out." Chloe says, sitting on the beautiful couch. "It's beautiful here."

"Yeah, I love the-" Chuck got cut off by the ding of the elevator. They both turn to it, in walks Nate.
Chloe couldn't look him in the eyes, but it seemed that he didn't notice her since Chuck was in front on him, blocking his view. She was thinking of ways on how to escape the room. "How can I help you Nathaniel?" The Basses always called him by his full name, especially Chloe, gosh I miss her like crazy.

"About last week...the money? I might have overreacted a little." Chloe's ears couldn't help but perk up. What money? "And hey, if you can, I would love to take you up on the offer." Chuck was giving him money? For what? Chuck explained to him that his money was put away, Chuck moves to walk away but regretted it. "Chloe?"

Chloe sighs, standing up from the couch

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Chloe sighs, standing up from the couch. This was the first time they've seen each other, since...the wedding. Chuck watches Chloe closely, making sure she doesn't break. Nate walks to her and hugs her, very tight. She looked very different. Her hair had blonde in it now, she did her makeup differently, she had lost the baby fat in her young face, she seemed more laid back, felt more curvier. Chloe hugged back, shutting her eyes. This hurt so bad for her, mentally, but she couldn't let it get to her. They pull apart.

"How are you Nathaniel." Chloe smiles, speaking softly. Chuck felt so awkward being there, but he didn't want to leave his sister alone with him.

"I'm...not good." He says, not looking away from her eyes. Chloe's heartbroken from the strain in his voice. "You look amazing.."

"Thank you." They stare at each other, Chuck clears his throat breaking Chloe's trance. "I must go and get unpacked, Chuck if you ever want to stop buy mine you can. I have a room for you and Margaret." Chloe grabs her purse from the couch, looks and Nate and kisses his cheek. She says goodbye to her brother then leaves without another word.

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