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"Charles I swear to you I did not donate my blood to you after you car crash." It was very late at night and Chuck sat at the end of Chloe and Nate's bed. "I was already pregnant at the time. The doctors didn't allow me."

"None of this makes sense Chloe. I don't understand who could've done this."

Nate made it an order to everybody to not bother Chloe with any drama or put her in the middle of anything. The baby came first and their son, especially health wise, she didn't need the extra stress from anyone. Though they had caught her up after the fact, CeeCee Rhodes passed away. She found out that Charlie was actually Ivy Dickens and that she's been scamming her family this whole time. Lola, the one who had flirted with Nate was the real Charlotte Rhodes. Ivy had kicked her family out of their home, and even though Chloe offered them a home in one of her buildings, Rufus insisted on going back to Brooklyn. Diane Payne was back. Serena was trying very hard to actually have a relationship with Lola. Dan and Blair were trying things out, and Blair was finally divorced from her evil prince. The list goes on and on. The best part? All of this happened over the span of two weeks. Chloe kind of loved being under the radar. She felt so relaxed and so happy just being home with her son and Nate.

"Unless they saved blood after draining our dead father then I have no idea Charles." Chuck only chuckled at her. "I'm taking this as a sign of God that you're here even talking to me right now after that horrible crash." Nate stirred in his sleep, he would absolutely flip if he knew what the two were talking about but Chuck needed his sister.

"You promise you're not lying?" Chuck asked with pleading eyes.

"I promise." Chloe takes his hand. Chuck smiles at her.

"I just wanna say I love you sis. I feel like it's been a while since I last said but I love you. You and your family." He lays his head on her belly, hoping to feel the baby movie.

"We love you more Charles."

Chloe begged Nate to take her to Dan and Blair's debut party

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Chloe begged Nate to take her to Dan and Blair's debut party. She found out kind of funny how the two ended up together but if her best friend was happy then so was she.

"The second something happens, The Archibald's are out okay?" Nate made clear the second they walked into the Brooklyn loft. Charli found it entertaining that there were Britain flags everywhere. He started to run his toy car that he snuck into the party along the white lines of the flag. His parents smiling at him.

"Chloe!!!" Blair screamed, making her way over to the girl and hugging her tightly.

"Blair." Nate warned from her tightness.

"Oh shut it Golden boy I haven't seen my best friend in forever." Chloe smiled into her hug.

"I've missed you." Chloe pulled back, looking at her face. "I'm so happy you're free. And I'm even more happy that you're happy." Dan creeped up behind Blair. Dan has caused a lot of drama between the Archibald's, and though Nate will never forget it, Chloe can put it aside for Blair. Surely Dan was completely moved on from Chloe...right?

After everyone swarms in, they all hear a familiar British voice make way into the room. Chloe's ears perked up especially. She turned to Nate who only rolled his eyes at the woman. Serena stood up to talk to Diana Payne, in the corner of Chloe's eye she sees Lola take Serena's phone. For some reason, Serena decided to take Lola to the party, knowing that she's tried to get at Nate but it was her cousin so I guess.

"I feel like I shouldn't trust her right now." Chloe whispered to Nate who only takes a sip of his whiskey, shrugging at her response. She glanced over to her brother. "You doing okay?"

"The love of my life is having a coming out party with her new beau. It's hilarious. I'm doing marvelous." He smirks, deep down, as long as Blair was happy he didn't care. Charli makes way to jump on his uncles lap, Chuck begins to tickle him making Charli laugh loudly. Nate and Chloe watch with loving eyes. "How's baby been doing?" He glances at her belly.

"They're great. I think being in prison, sorry, bed rest, has been paying off." Nate pulls Chloe into him, kissing her forehead.

"It's only temporarily." He kisses her lips.

Suddenly, everyone's phones went off. Everyone pulls their phones out, since Nate disabled Gossip Girl on Chloe's phone she didn't get it but she looked over Nate's shoulder to watch. Someone was streaming a live video of Serena and Diana talking.

"You saved Chucks life and you did that because?.." Serena trailed.

"I'm their mother." Diana smiled. Chuck and Chloe's head snap to each other quickly. Everyone in the room gasps. Nate sighed frustrated. This is exactly what he didn't need to happen for Chloe. Chloe could practically see steam coming out of Chucks ears. She was so confused. They both were. How was that even possible? Chloe was a carbon copy of Evelyn. Diana literally tried to seduce Nate, her own "daughters" husband. She felt sick to her stomach. She quickly got up and ran outside to catch some air before she vomited. It triggered Chuck even more to see his little sister completely triggered from this situation.

"Is it true?" Chuck asked once Diana walked out of the other room.

"Yes Charles it is." She whispered. She tried to walk towards him but he stops her quickly.

"You have been in New York for months. Inviting me to parties. Hiring my friends. Trying to bang my best friend, who also happens to be my sisters, YOUR DAUGHTERS, husband. Did it not occur to you to mention this, that you were our mother?!"

"Please Chuck, I can explain this. To you and Chloe-"

"I can't do this right now. Or ever!" He walked out, taking Charli with him, Nate's head drops. Chuck couldn't stand him or Chloe's family to be in the same room as her. Diana leaves soon after. Everyone turned to Serena who grabbed her phone out of Lola's hand after she tried to desperately delete the video. Nate grabs his coat to leave but Lola stops him.

"Nate will you please apologize to Chuck and Chloe. I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen-"

"I think you just need to go back wherever you came from." Nate said calmly. She turned red. "You're trying to fit yourself into a world you think you belong in but you're ruining everything. You keep trying to mess with Chloe and now Chuck? What have we ever done to you??" Nate walks away angrily.

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