1 (Season 4)

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J here! So excited to be writing season 4 right now, I actually have a couple of questions, one main one. Would any of you mind if I didn't write Juliet into this season? If I do write her in, it'll have nothing to do with Nate, so she'll just be for Serena's storyline. Please let me know! Now let's get on to the story :,)!

Gossip Girl here, summer has been a hectic one. With S riding around Paris on vespas with rando hotties, B putting her tastebuds to the test in the city of love, reading in her favorite places, and C announcing to the world that she is pregnant! Our favorite trio has been nothing but closer. Prince Bass has been no where to be found, not even the princess herself can get a hold of him. Speaking of getting a hold of, C has Nate by the collar. As in love as he'll always been with Chloe, we've never seen it like this before. If you've never seen anyone deep in love before have a look at this, these two have been loving it up in Paris. Too bad lonely boy couldn't make the trip as well...that would be a heck of a plane ride wouldn't you say N? So glad to be back.

-Gossip Girl

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-Gossip Girl

"Are you sure you have to go? Maybe you can just shut your legs and make him stay in your belly for a week longer!" Blair smiles down at Chloe's belly, putting her hands together

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"Are you sure you have to go? Maybe you can just shut your legs and make him stay in your belly for a week longer!" Blair smiles down at Chloe's belly, putting her hands together. "Please. Just stay there." Chloe laughs, hugging her best friend.

"B if I don't go now then this baby will be born in Paris and you know Nates family would kill us." Chloe held her stomach, after 3 months in Paris, and a lot of eating, Chloe's belly was finally showing. Not as normal as a third trimester belly, more of a first trimester, but she wasn't complaining. "I have to go back home now before I can't travel anymore. Doctors orders. Besides, I also have to make sure everything is okay with Bass Ind. Chuck hasn't been to any of the meetings. They told me to take a leave of absence to get ready to have this baby but I can't just leave them high and dry." Chloe sighed, stressed.

Chuck hadn't called or texted Chloe back in the three months since she's left for Paris. He hasn't contacted anybody, and nobody can seem to get a hold of him. Lily tried to handle everything herself, since she knew stressing Chloe out was really bad for the baby. Everyone felt bad for Blair, for what Chuck did to her, but no one could even imagine what Chloe was feeling. Chuck was her other half, her best friend, she felt so lost without him.

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