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"Why don't you just call her yourself?" Chloe was running around the house, trying to get everything cleaned up, all while holding Charli on her hip. Blair following her in every room.

"Because you're a future Archibald, with a pretty Archibald baby, they'll take your word more than anybody's. If you ask Anne she'll be more than willing." Blair whined, she had been asking Chloe all morning to talk to Anne about becoming the new face of The Girls inc. foundation. "Unless, she asked you already."

"She did," Blair frowned. "I declined it politely." Chloe stopped, making Blair run into her. Charli giggles, pulling on Blair's hair. "Look, I'll talk to her. But only if you tell me what's going on between you and Charles." Blair's cheek turn pink as she tried to avoid eye contact.

"What is that little Chacha?" Blair takes Charli out of Chloe's arm and holds his face up to hers. "You want to play take over the world with your toys? Okay let's go do that!" Blair waddles to Charli's nursery, making Chloe shake her head with laughter. Nate walks into the suite, smiling once he sees Chloe cleaning up. He picks her up from behind making her squeal, once he sets her down he gives her a long kiss.

"Sorry I took so long, I had to take care of some business."

Earlier this morning

Nate let's himself into Dans loft, who was leaving a voicemail to someone, apologizing. He really hoped it wasn't to Chloe. Dan turned around, almost jumping from seeing Nate. The two stared at each other for minutes, not saying a word. Vanessa peeked from the other room, waiting for them to have an interaction. She had to get back to Juliet about how the two were with each other.

"If you ever try to come between me and my family again, I will personally come after you." Nates voice was steady, but held anger behind it. "You've done enough damage, you and your little puppy." Dan knew he was talking about Vanessa, but he didn't say anything to defend her which hurt Vanessa but she still listened. "You can have Serena, you can have Vanessa, I don't want them. But Chloe? Will forever and always be mine. You're trying to mess with my sons life, and it'll only end with blood. The sooner you accept that, the better. If you step foot to Chloe tonight at Chucks party, I'll know, and I'll send you back with your little sister to Hudson."

"What's going on here?" Vanessa finally interrupted, Nate says nothing further, just walks back out of the loft.

"I don't regret kissing her." Nate didn't turn around, just clenched his jaw and walked away, just like how Chloe said.

Present Time

"It's okay, I'm super anxious about tonight. It's gonna be my first time out since Charles." Chloe looked to the open door, where Blair and Charli were on the floor playing with his toys.

"What's there to be anxious about?" Nate took the things out of her hand, and sets them aside. He sits down on the couch and brings her on his lap. "Chloe you look absolutely amazing, you're glowing, your body is perfect." Nate grabs her bottom, squeezing it.

"I just don't like the extra weight I put in." She frowns, slouching back into his chest.

"Your weight is in all the right places. Besides, if anybody even gives your body a look tonight, they're gonna have to deal with me." They we're going to kiss but jump from the scream coming from the nursery. They both get up quickly from the couch and run into the room, but starts laughing when they see that Charli had thrown up on Blair's hand. "I got this one." Nate always remembered how scared Chloe was of throw up. Blair held her hand as far away from her body as possible while she ran to the kitchen to wash her hands.

Princess Bass - Nate Archibald Where stories live. Discover now