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On the Upper East Side "staying alive" isn't easy at it appears. And after last week security's breech leading to no tips it looks like I might be "dancin with myself." - GG

Chloe and Chuck sat in his living room on yoga mats,  closing their eyes and breathing heavily through their noses. The two of them have been stressed with Bass Industries, and Chloe's doctor recently advised her to not work in stressful environments so she suggest she and her brother do yoga. It has been dangerous for the baby since her blood and stress levels were so high. She's been trying a lot of things to help, reading, writing, laying in bed, taking work off. Now yoga. Even Charli was sitting criss cross in front of Chloe with his eyes closed, giggling to himself. The two open their eyes when they hear heels walking towards them. Their yoga instructor walks out but Chuck sends him away once Blair glares at him.

"An old celibate male yoga teacher? Your transformation is really astounding, care to share how you gave up your Bad Bass ways? How you went from Charlie Sheen to Charlie Brown?" Blair smirks.

"Blair." Chloe scolds, Blair only shrugs. She and her brother were actually taking it very serious.

"There's no answer to that question. It's an evolution. What's really going on?" Chuck asks, plying into her words. Chloe groaned, laying down on her mat. She really needed this yoga lesson and being caught in Chuck and Blair's fire was the last thing on her list. She tunes them out while Charli creeps his way up to his mother's face. She smiles while opening her eyes. He cups her ear and begins to whisper.

"Tell uncle Chu about baby?" His broken baby language made her smile hugely. His cute little voice having a question always made her day.

"Soon bud. We'll tell him together okay?" He nods and wraps his arm around her neck, hugging her. Chloe grabbed her things and glared at the two dramatically before walking her way over with Charli back to her place. She lies her mat down and sits on it, letting go a deep breath.

"Maureen is cheating on Tripp and I don't know what to do about it, but if I don't do anything then the whole world will know from other tabloids." Nate walks in just as she let her breath go. She screams loudly, Nate giving her a weird look. He took a seat on the couch while she rubbed her face in annoyance. She actually felt quite better after letting out a scream. I should do that more often.

"Out doctor says I need to stop stressing for the baby and you people keep raising my stress." She glared, Nate sighs, taking her hand and leading her to his lap. Charli jumps and gets on the couch next to them, climbing his way onto Chloe's lap. Nate leans back letting her lay on his chest.

"I'm sorry Chlo, I don't mean to stress you out. I just go to you for everything because you're the smartest person I know. I just don't know what to do." He kisses her forehead.

"You need to talk to Tripp." Nate then groans, "I know it's been a while but this is your family we're talking about." Charli began to drift off into sleep. Nate bounces his leg to rock him to sleep. Chloe humming a little lullaby to him.

"We create such perfect babies." Nate whispers, both of them watching their son closely. "I want a lot more." He pouts, Chloe chuckling.

"Don't worry, one is on the way."

Serena's grandmother had invited Chloe and her family to a party that was being thrown in her honor but they decided to have a little party before heading over to the real thing. It was disco themed so she decided to go as a disco ball. Chloe got dressed quickly since it was last minute, Margaret held Charli in her arms while bouncing around the house and singing a silly song to him. Chloe smiled at the angelic noises coming from her son. She remembered how much she loved when Margaret would play with her when she were a little girl. She fixed her lipstick before saying goodbye to her two favorite people and leaving quickly.

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