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Weeks have passed by since Charli was born, Chuck enrolling himself in Colombia to try and take down Blair. Dan trying to get a hold of Chloe but Chloe ignoring him. Chuck and Blair signing a peace treaty. Serena getting involved with a professor. It was hectic, but not as hectic as Charli's screams when he wanted his mother. Nate sighed once more, he had just put Charli down but he began screaming again. Nate had no idea how Chloe could do it. The minute she grabbed him, he would stop crying. She was definitely a super mom in his eyes. Nate had followed in Chloe's footstep and started online school this week. The two would be devoting one whole year to just Charli before going back to school. After minutes of Charli screaming, Nate got up from his spot on the bed and walked over to the nursery.

"What's wrong son?" Nate picks him up again, "I know I miss mommy too. She's the best right?" He sat down in the rocking chair, holding Charli close. He yawns, making Charli yawn. "She'll be back soon." Nate slowly drifted off to sleep while he was rocking back in forth in the chair, Charli shut his eyes as well, the two sleeping peacefully.

Chloe sat on Lily's couch along side Lily, both of them filling out a lot of Bass Industry paperwork. Lily was trying to convince Chloe to go out with Nate on a date.

"I can't leave Charli, I'm too attached to him." Chloe laughs, signing the bottom of one of the papers. "Besides, I haven't been out in a month and a half, I don't think I'm ready yet." Chloe's body was back to normal, even better than normal, which surprised her whole family. She had been doing at home workouts with Nate in her living room.

"That's exactly why you need to go out dear!" Lily took her reading glasses off. "The moment you and Nate stop having a social life is the moment you both break and fall apart from each other and regret having a baby. It's not worth it. Yes, it's normal for new mothers to not go out but like you said, it's been a month and a half. Have some time for yourself. In the meantime, Rufus and I will babysit. Charles is great with us and we have no problem with him at all." Lily was just as obsessed with Charli, she loved how much of a happy baby he was, especially when you would play with him. "Plus you and Nate could use some alone time don't you think?" Lily smirked, making Chloe red in the face.

"Moooom." She groaned, "Okay, you're right. I'll let Nate know when I get home." Dan walked into the room with Rufus, Chloe went stiff. She hadn't talked to Dan in weeks, Dan was finally happy to catch her.

"Dan can see you home, right Dan?" Before Chloe could oblige to Lily, Dan agreed. He got Chloe's coat, holding it open for her. She sighs, gettin their coat on and leaving ahead of Dan.

"Did I do something wrong Chlo?" Dan grabbed Chloe who was halfway down the street

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"Did I do something wrong Chlo?" Dan grabbed Chloe who was halfway down the street.

"Dan we can't talk about this right now. I have to get home to my son." Chloe didn't look at him, just continued walking.

"Chloe please, just talk to me." Chloe sighed, pushing Dan into an alley so nobody would spot them.

"Dan I don't think we should be friends anymore..." Dan felt a knife in his chest, he stuttered to get the words out. "It's causing arguments between Nate and I because he's convinced that you're falling for me." Dan stayed silent. "And I believe that now too."

"Chloe..." She was going to walk away but he grabs her, pulling her into a kiss.

Little did they know, a new stranger along with an outsider was watching them closely, taking a clear picture.

Only, they didn't get the part where Chloe slaps Dan and walks away. Dan held his face in pain, watching her walk away, but the minute he looked at his phone, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

Tsk tsk tsk. Chloe Chloe Chloe. Just had your baby and you're already falling off the ramps. Kissing lonely boy in a dark alley, that's dirty. Not as dirty as the image of Nate taking care of your son, being faithful to you.

Chloe's phone instantly blew up with texts and calls from her friends

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Chloe's phone instantly blew up with texts and calls from her friends. Her heart stopped while reading the blast. She quickly ran home, and into the Empire. Just as she got inside she ran into Chuck.

"Sis, tell me this isn't true." Chloe only ignored him, running to the elevator to head to her suite. Chuck angrily sighed, pulling his phone out and calling Blair. Something had to be done. "This can't be true. We gotta get to the bottom of this."

"Nate." Chloe was out of breath, hanging on to the couch that Nate stood behind. His phone was broken, the pieces everywhere around the living room floor. She could practically see the steam coming out from him. His breathing uneven. "Nate listen to me."

"How could you?" Nates voice was shaking, with hurt and betrayal. "How could you do this to me? To us?!" His voice raising with every word.

"I didn't-"

"How are you gonna tell me you didn't kiss him when there's proof?!" He pointed over to his now broken phone.

"I pulled away Nate, I swear on my life. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me." Nate shook his head, grabbing his coat. Charli began crying in the other room, Chloe grabbed on to Nates hands, he snatches it away aggressively. "Honey please! I love you. I stopped talking to him for us. I didn't ask him to walk me home. I didn't tell him to kiss me. I didn't kiss back. Please don't do this."

"All this time, you've shamed me for hurting you. You made me feel like a monster." Nate cried, making Chloe cry. "Only for you to do it back to me. I thought-" he weeped, "I thought you took me back because you loved me, not to get back at me."

"I do love you." He let Chloe grab him, "This wasn't suppose to happen. You changed. I believe you, so believe in me. Believe that I would never do this to you. Someone is setting us up." Nate gave her one last look before leaving. Chloe fell to her knees, sobbing loudly.

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