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Blair had a plan to trap the middle man with two prostitutes in a hotel. Lovely I know. Andrew Tyler, the Bass family's Privates investigator, ended up running into the room, grabbing the two girls, who were Lola and Ivy Dickens. Ivy so badly wanted to be in with the crowds again. She realized money was never her end goal, it was family. She would do anything to make her way back to all of them. Once Andrew gets the two girls back to the mansion, where they were the other night, Andrew immediately looks around the room. The girls already had a plan though.

Once they open the door, 2 men take a hold of Andrew. He tries to fight back but stops when he comes face to face with an all too familiar person. Chuck and Blair stand aside watching everything.

"Surprise to see me?" Bart smirks. "So you found out I was still alive?" Andrew says nothing. "You were the last person I saw alive."

"When Blair told me she saw you at the hotel earlier. It wasn't a competitor that tried to kill him." Chuck's face was exactly like his father's. Stone cold, hard.

"It was you." Bart finished.

"You hired me to gather entail on Evans and I did. But he found out and he threatened me and my family. It was either you or them. So I turned. Told him I worked for him and to prove my loyalty I helped get you out of the way. I told him where you'd be in the car and he told me when to get out." Just as his finished confessing the chief of police and two police officers walk into the room. Instantly cuffing him.

Bart takes a sigh of relief after the officers take him. Chuck was relief to find out who caused all of this but hurt in the end. He and Chloe have known Andrew their whole lives.

"I guess now that the police know the truth. You'll be sticking around." Chuck says, Bart turns to him as his son instantly goes in for a hug. Bart holds him tightly. Blair only smiles lovingly.

"Take me to my Chloe."

When you care about someone you want them to stay. But sometimes showing you care means letting them go. xx GG

Nate held Chloe tightly as they both read to Charli. It was his bed time and Chloe couldn't stop life for the huge news. He had just gotten home from a very long day. He let Diane escape, he was tired of letting this whole thing affect his life. He agreed to himself, he would no longer let this consume him. He had another baby on the way, and his son and his wife were healthy. Thats all he needed.

The two of them heard a knock on their door, Chloe was frozen in fear on what news she would be getting. Nate scooted out of bed quietly, Charli had just fallen asleep. Chloe doesn't hear anything for a while, which makes her get up from the bed as well. Nate was only staring at the two men in front of him, he didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to react. Chloe took careful steps towards them. Nate finally turns towards her, watching her closely. Her hand naturally lies on her belly as she comes face to face with her father.

"Chloe." Bart says sternly. His eyes travel down to her belly, then to the room that was behind her that held his first grandson.

"Daddy." Chloe couldn't help it, she quickly made her way into his arms. Her held her tightly, shutting his eyes taking her in. Nate didn't know why but he had a sketchy feeling on Bart being back. Of course he would never admit that out loud but he would never forget it. "Please tell me you're here to stay." She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that after all these years of mourning, he was actually here and holding her.

"I promise I will never leave you again." He speaks to her and Chuck. The two separate when they hear Charli crying, Chloe was about to get him but Nate beat her to it. He brings Charli out, he was about to go back to sleep but his eyes wonder over to Bart.

"Grandpa?" Charli's raspy voice reached everyone's ears. Bart could feel his heartstrings being pulled as he looked over his grandson. Chloe grabs Charli, he instantly lays his head on her shoulder.

"Yes baby, that's grandpa."

It took everything within Nate to stop himself from taking Charli as he reach out to Bart. Chuck and Chloe smiled hugely as their father held his grandchild. Bart didnt know why but he felt the world while holding Charli.

"Daddy this is Charles Brooklyn Archibald. Charli for short." Chloe rubbed Charli's back since he was falling back asleep. Bart was shocked that Charli knew him as grandpa. Which meant Chloe talked about him a lot to Charli. She loved showing him pictures of her father.

"Chloe. I'm beyond proud of you." These are words Chloe never thought she would hear from her father. "Not only are you doing amazing with your businesses as well as Bass business, you're growing your own family." He held her face with his one hand while holding Charli steady with his other. "And your Chuck. Taking over Bass and continuing on our legacy. I'm proud of you." Bart turns to Nate who had a funny look on his face. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter. I owe you a lot Nathaniel."

"I did it because I love her." Was all he said. For the rest of the night the three of them all caught up on Chloe's cough. Charli still in Bart's arms.

"What's going to happen with Lily?" Chloe asks, Bart sighs sitting back on the couch.

"I'm not sure. My relationship with Lily was on the rocks. My relationship with the two of you wasn't the best. Maybe hiding all these years was easier than facing things head on."

"Well how about we try group therapy next time instead." Chuck says making all three laugh. Chloe looks down at her phone as it beeps, it was pretty late so she knew whoever was texting that it had to have been something serious. Her smile slowly drops as she continues to read.

Evening Upper East Siders,

Many of you have complained that I've been too kind to S, B and C the past few months. But all of that's about to change. Because I got a page from Blair Waldorf diary. Where she tells all about who's really in her heart.

"I can't shake the feeling that Dan is about to tell me loves me and if he does ..."

And there's lots more where that came from. Courtesy of her BFF - S.V.D.W

Gossip Girl

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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