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At the end of Chloe and Nate's very long night, they tangled into one another, sleeping peacefully. Chloe almost let her house phone ring, but groaned and decided to get up. Who would be even calling right now? It's 4 in the morning.

"Hello?" Chloe noticed that it was her downstairs office calling, she yawned widely.

"I'm very sorry to call this late Ms.Bass, but there has been a woman down here by the name Waldorf, crying for about an hour now. She says she had no where to go, and didn't want to interrupt you." That woke Chloe up. "Should I get her a car back to her own home?"

"N-no! I'll be down in a minute!" Chloe hung up the phone, and ran back into her room, getting her robe back on. She did everything quietly to not wake Nate up and headed downstairs. Chloe had another robe with her to bring Blair, once she exited the elevator she saw Blair hugging herself and crying. Chloe ran over, hugging her tightly and wrapping the robe around her. Blair sobs into Chloe, not saying a word. Chloe gives her front desk a smile of appreciation before taking Blair upstairs. Once they got inside they saw Nate roaming around the apartment worried until he saw them enter. He was scared Chloe had left him after their lusty night, he didn't want to scare her off.

Thankfully, Chloe had ordered all new furniture that came the night before while they were at Nate's party, since they couldn't go to the Empire. Chloe sat Blair down, wiping her tears. "Nate can you get some pajamas from my closet for Blair please." Nate ran upstairs, to get a pair. "Blair what happened?" Chloe asks softly, moving her hair out of her face.

"Chuck and I." Was all Blair could get out, she couldn't say what really happened. One because she was embarrassed and two because his sister saw him as such a changed man. She didn't want to ruin their relationship because she knows that's what would
happen if she said anything. "He hurt me in the most possible way."

"Like how B?" Chloe asks, wanting to help in anyway she can. "I won't judge you or him, I promise."

"I-I can't say it." Blair shook her head, Nate came back down with silk pajamas for Blair, he handed them to her softly. "Thank you for everything you've done for me Chloe." Blair whispers.

"Why didn't you call me? I would've gotten you sooner." Chloe felt horrible for leaving her down there for so long.

"...I knew you guys needed alone time." Both Nate and Chloe blush, Blair goes into the bathroom to change into the pjs and Chloe goes into the kitchen to make each of them tea. Nate wraps his arms around Chloe from behind, swaying the two back and forth. He rubs her belly, that was growing slightly by the littlest smidge everyday slowly. Nate hummed a happy tune, smiling from the memories they had just made. "You both are lucky." Blair says, walking into the kitchen. Chloe poured her hot water in a cup and gave her, her favorite tea. "It's easy for you two to be together, there's no games, no more lies, just pure love."

"Just tell us what happened and we'll fix it." Nate says, no matter what he would definitely visit Chuck later in the morning to see what was going on.

"You can't fix something that has been broken for a while." Blair shook her head in disappointment, silent tears streaming down her face. "I thought he changed."

"I'm so sorry this is happening B." Chloe grabbed her hand from across her island. "My brother can be an idiot sometimes, well most of the time, but I know he love you. And you love him. Only time will work it out between you two if it's really that bad. Try and take time away from him or you'll both fall back into a pattern of hurting each other and forgiving easily. Make him work for it." Blair took every word she said in, Chloe was smart and learned a lot from experience so she would listen to her advice. "Let's go get some rest, I have the guest bedroom set up for you."

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