Epilogue (Season 3)

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"Tell me this isn't true

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"Tell me this isn't true." Nate stood behind Chloe in the mirror, holding his phone up. Chloe turned around, reading the gossip girl blast.

Gossip Girl took a little break last night, but as per usual, this morning the early birds get the worms

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Gossip Girl took a little break last night, but as per usual, this morning the early birds get the worms. Spotted, Lonely boy and Princess Bass, chatting and dancing it up. Hmm, usually Nate holds her like that. Usually Chloe lays her head on Nate like that. Something going on here? I think Chloe is ready for that revenge, and it think it started last night.
- Gossip Girl

Chloe rolled her eyes, and gave Nate a look.

"You're not serious right?" Chloe asks, turning back to the mirror and fixing her outfit. "Didn't we just have a talk last night about how much we love each other?"

"That was before I found out how cuddly you two were being last night." Nate glared, his tone full of rudeness.

"I'd watch who I was talking to if I were you." Chloe turned to Nate, her eyebrow lifting. The famous Bass glare. "Dan and I are just friends. Will never be anything more. It's clear who's behind this picture, no one who reads gossip girl was there except our group and Jenny. Who wants you just as much as I have?" Chloe pushed past Nate, making sure to collide her shoulder to his body, making him stumble. "Don't ever raise your voice at me again, or we're gonna have problems."

Chloe grabbed her phone out of her bag while she was walking to one of her business meetings.

"Oh please don't break the news to me that you and Humphrey are now a thing." Blair teased, she knew Chloe would never leave Nate.

"Whatever. You know I knew Jenny hated me but first her fathers relationship and now Dan and Vanessa's?" Chloe scoffed. "That's a bit low to go after your own family publicly."

"Jenny did this?" Blair's mood changing, her eyes darkening. "I'll call you later C, don't stress in your meeting. Take care of my little Blair."

"Blair you know it's a boy-" Blair hung up, smiling. She turned to Dorota and Cameron, asking if they can make a little stop.

Blair struts her way into Rufus' loft. There she saw Jenny, she gives her a look of disgust.

"When are you gonna get it? For three years you tried to worm your way into our world but you will never be apart of it. No matter what you do. This isn't copy cat dressing in constance or dumping dairy on your best friend to prove a point." Blair gets in Jenny's face, intimidating her. "Chloe and Nate? That's mythic. You don't mess with that and survive. You've been doing this for long enough now and it's time you deal with me. You're hurting people I love. You're hurting people you love. You Jenny? No one loves you, except your daddy and after what you pulled yesterday, who knows if that's even true anymore." Blair smirks, realizing that she got to Jenny. She left, feeling satisfied with herself.

Chloe dialed Chuck after her meeting, he explained his plan to her. He was waiting on top of the empire state building until 7, and if Blair wasn't there, he would be leaving. And would leave her alone forever.

"Hold on Chuck, Margaret is calling me." They say their goodbyes and Chloe answers the other line. "WHAT?! Oh gosh I'll be on my way now." Chloe waves for a taxi and one stops immediately. "Take me to the hospital, please!" The taxi steps on it, in about 5 minutes they make it. Chloe waddles in her heels to the entrance, Blair almost ran past her but stops when she sees Chloe. Chloe realizes where she was going, looking down at her phone. "Blair go! It's almost 7." Blair gives her a loving look before running to her limo.

Nate stood up once he sees Chloe enter the waiting room. He gives her a tight smile, feeling bad about how she approached her this morning.

"I came here with Margaret, she's in the room with Dorota." he started, Chloe sat down in the seat next to him, taking her shoes off and leaning back. Nate sat back down, helping her take her other heel off. Before Nate could apologize first, Chloe beat him to it.

"I'm sorry honey." Chloe sighed, "Instead of getting angry at you, I should've reassured you that it was nothing, because it is nothing. I want nothing with no one, if it means I could have everything with you."

"No, I'm sorry Clover. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusion. I should've let you explain first, I should know that everything on Gossip Girl, especially about you, aren't true." Chloe kissed his lips lightly. "This'll be us in a couple of months." Nate smiles, "Holding our baby in our arms, surrounded by the people we love."

"Couples fight, you know?" Chloe whispers, Nate looks down at her. "It's the couples that fight through it that win. And Nathaniel?"

"Yes Chlo?"

"I think we're winning so far."

After a couple of hours, Chloe and Nate met Dorota's daughter, Anastasia. She was such a beautiful baby, it only made Chloe and Nate a lot excited about having their son. On their way out of the hospital, they passed by Dan and Serena. Dan watches the couple leave, he smiles softly at the sight. He couldn't deny it, he felt something small for Chloe but quickly pushed it away. For he was with Vanessa, and something was happening between he and Serena. He was a mess. Chloe truthfully, felt nothing. She thought she felt something, but after a long night of thinking, of course she realizes she loves him but only as a friend.

"I think we should take a trip this summer." Chloe admits, "Before we have our son, before I can't travel anymore. I think we should live our life one last time."

"Oh yeah?" Nate smirks, "What do you have in mind princess?"

"Paris." Chloe couldn't contain her squealing, Nate chuckles at her. He was about to hug her but Chloe's phone rings. "Blair? He did what?!..yes, yes of course!" Chloe asked the driver to turn the car back around to the hospital.

"What's wrong?" Nate asks.

"I have to go get Blair."

Blair hopped in the car, silent tears streaming down her face. Chloe holds her, Nate watches with sympathy.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, while Chloe pats her hair down.

"Chuck slept with Jenny. Humphrey." The color drained from both Nate and Chloe. The two were so shocked, they didn't know what to say. "Please just don't try and say anything. I just want to be held." Blair cries into Chloe's chest. Chloe hugs her tighter, Chuck would surely be getting a mouthful from her.

"Blair..." Chloe looks to Nate, who already shook his head yes, knowing what she was going to say. Blair looks up to Chloe, she wiped her tears. "Come to Paris with us. This is gonna be our last trip in a while and I don't want to leave you here alone. Bring Serena if you would like, so you're not disgusted by Nate and I." Blair and Chloe laugh. "I'll deal with things with my brother later, let's have our last get away while we still can. While we're still young. Deal?"


And all in an instant, everything changes. We leave the last behind and speed towards the unknown, our future. We set out for far off places and try to find ourselves, or try to lose ourself, exploring pleasures closer to home. The problem starts when we refuse to let change happen, and cling to old habits. But if we hold on to the past too tight, the future may never come. 'Til death do us part.
Gossip Girl

J here! Thank you guys so so so much for sticking with me while I continue to write this. I am in love with this story, and I cannot wait for season 4. You all have no idea how much I love reading your comments. I hope you guys had a good thanksgiving! And I hope you're as excited as I am to begin writing season 4!! What do you guys wanna see more of? Please let me know!

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