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Wakey wakey Upper East side. Gossip girl here, and I'm ready to hear all about everyone's college acceptances. Or maybe even declines. Gossip girl is even waiting for her own letter to come in, don't cry too much when you all don't get what you want.
Gossip Girl

Nate hears a loud, death curdling scream making him drop his bagel and run upstairs to Chloes room. His heart races as he sees her, just standing there with two letters in her hands. He takes a sigh of relief.

"What could possibly be the matter Chloe Dawn." He holds his heart while he walks closer to her. Nate takes the letters from her, reading the first 2 paragraphs from each letter.

Harvard College
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Byerly Hall
8 Garden Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Dear Ms.Bass,

I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has admitted you to the Class of 2013 under the Early Action program. Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements.

In recent years, nearly twenty thousand students have applied for the sixteen hundred and fifty places in the freshman class. Faced with many more talented and highly qualified candidates than it has room to admit, the Admissions Committee has taken great care to choose individuals who present extraordinary academic, extracurricular and personal strengths. In making each admission decision, the Committee keeps in mind that the excellence of Harvard College depends most of all on the talent and promise of the people assembled here, particularly our students. In voting to offer you admission, the Committee has demonstrated its firm belief that you can make important contributions during your college years and beyond.

His mouth dropped open, Chloe holds her hand over her mouth. Waiting for him to read the second letter.

The Juilliard School
60 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023

Dear Chloe,

Congratulations! It gives me tremendous pleasure to inform you that Juilliard Acting facility, Vocal arts facility, and the committee on the Admissions have granted you admission to Bachelor of Music program at the Juilliard school for the 2012-13 academic year.

"I never auditioned for Juilliard, I don't-" Chloe cut herself off with tears of joy. "How did this happen?"

"I did it..." Nate says, "I did an 'online audition' and just sent a snippet of a video I took of you rehearsing. I just wanted to see how far you good go and if you take that step, you'll go so far Chloe." Chloe gets up and kisses him passionately. Her tears of joy then turned into frustration.

"Which one do I go to?" She sat on the bed, rereading over both letters. Nate sits next to her, taking the letters and making her face him. "My father always wanted me to go to Harvard, it was our dream."

"But Juilliard is your dream Chlo." Nate argues. "I'm sorry but your father is no longer here. You need to do what's best for you. Besides, you're already running Bass Industries. I'm sure he's proud enough of you doing that." He was right and Chloe knew it. It just felt like if she didn't go to Harvard, she was spitting on her fathers grave. "You don't need to decide now hun, just think about it." He kisses his girl, going back down to finish his breakfast. Chloe continued to get ready, calling Blair and conversing with her.

"Nate and I are packing and getting ready for Trips weeding rehearsals, you should come." Chloe giggles.

"Oh please C, me at my ex boyfriends family's gathering...now that I think about it I should go." Blair smirks. The two continue to talk until a voice interrupts them. Chloes blood ran cold.

"Blair? Where are you?" Chloe heard from the other side of the phone.

"Blair who's that?" Chloe asks, praying that it's not who she thinks it is.

"Oh! That's just Dorota. Dorota you know I'm always up in my room!" Blair yells, Chloe furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"That's crazy, I could've sworn I heard-"

"Hello darling."

"Carter." Chloe stops what's she's doing. Blair tries to intervene but Chloe cuts her off. "Blair how could you?"

"C it's not-" Chloe hangs up the phone. "What it looks like." Blair sighs, throwing her phone on the bed and glaring at Carter. "I told you when I'm on the phone don't speak." What was she gonna do now?

Chloe stomps downstairs angrily, about to scream and tell Nate everything that happened but she stops when she sees a kitchen table full of food and Nate and Margaret cooking a feast. Chloes face relaxed from anger and slightly smiled at the two. Her little family. To make things even better Chuck enters through the door with flowers in his hand. He sees his little sister and gives her a little smile; handing her, her favorite flowers.

"Nathaniel called, says you got accepted in Harvard and Juilliard. I've never been more proud of you sis, father would be thrilled with you." Chloe hugs him tightly, bleeding a brotherly hug from everything that's been happening. He holds her close, shutting his eyes and taking in the moment.

"Chloe, Charles, the celebratory breakfast is ready." Margaret says from behind, Chloe runs in her arms and kisses her cheek. "I'm so proud of you mija." They all walk to the kitchen table, Nate putting the last plate of food and kissing Chloe softly.

"Thank you, for doing this." Nate only smiles, rubbing their noses together.

"Anything for my Princess."

Princess Bass - Nate Archibald Where stories live. Discover now