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Nate held Chloe's hand while she was lying on the doctors bed, they had just took blood samples from her and was now getting ready to see and hear the baby

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Nate held Chloe's hand while she was lying on the doctors bed, they had just took blood samples from her and was now getting ready to see and hear the baby. Chloe tried hard not to fidget, she's been anxious in every doctor appointment now, after what her uncle Jack did she would forever be traumatized. She shut her eyes, praying to hear a heartbeat. She and Nate agreed to go to the doctors that Carter had suggested and so far everything was going really well.

Once the two heard a heartbeat they both mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"Your baby boy is doing really well. 27 weeks, and since your baby is tiny of course your belly is going to be tiny. Just a little bump if anything. He's gotten a lot stronger, and is still growing slowly but surely. He's going to be a really tiny baby when he comes out." The doctor cleaned up Chloe's belly and packed up the ultrasound. "I'm gonna go print out these pictures for you and you can be on your way! Thank you for seeing us today Ms.Bass." The doctor shook Chloe and Nates hand before heading out. Nate kissed her tenderly, holding her face close.

"I told you, everything's gonna be alright." He whispers, kissing her again. "I can't wait until our peanut pops out."

"I know, I just get nervous...I wonder what he's gonna look like." Chloe daydreamed, holding her belly. "I hope he has your beautiful eyes." She smiled up to Nate, he helped her down from the bed and gave her a kiss on the head. "He's gonna absolutely adore you."

"Me? You, Chloe. He's been so strong already, all because of you. He'll love you more than anything." Chloe smiles wider at his words. "Let's hurry and get to Lily's, I know you haven't ate." The two were suppose to get food before their appointment but they had to rush to the doctors since Nate slept in, which angered Chloe and resulted her throwing a weighted blanket at him as he was getting ready. Chloe wished she got him falling on camera.

Apparently they got to Lily's too late, and at a really bad time. Lily had just walked upstairs with Rufus following after her. Serena's dad, William and Dan watched and Serena and Eric had walked into their rooms. Chloe sighed but still went to pack a huge breakfast on her plate. Nate and Dan spoke, Dan watching Chloe's every move.

"I almost forgot you were pregnant. You know, since you're not showing...at all." Dan says confused, "The food was a dead give away though."

"I'm eating for two Daniel, never come between a mama bear and her baby bears food." Chloe turned around to the microwave and put her food in it. "Just ask Nathaniel." Dan looked to Nate, chuckling at the bruise he showed him from this morning. "Anyways, catch us up." Dan had explained that Holland, the downstairs neighbor, had admitted to having an affair with Rufus. "I mean there's only one person who could probably help you prove that Rufus is innocent." The three looked to each other, all thinking of the same person. Chloe really liked Rufus, and loved how happy he made Lily. She doesn't believe that Rufus would do such a thing but she couldn't believe him just yet. Not until there was proof.

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