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So then Chloe explains everything. That Blair was trying to get herself to the Dominican Republic so she can get a divorce from Louis who doesn't really love her and if she tries to divorce him anywhere else then he would take all of the Waldorf's money, plus more. Nate was red in the face, Chloe almost shivered under his glare.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why wouldn't you tell us?" Nate spoke with his teeth grind.

"Blair told me not to tell anyone I thought I was helping-"

"WE DON'T KEEP SECRETS ANYMORE CHLOE." Nate yelled, you could hear a pin drop in the suite after his outburst. He took a deep breath before continuing. "As your husband, I have the right to know."

"It wasn't my business to tell Nate. But I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you, so so badly." Chloe got up as he began to pace, trying to grab his hands but he snatched them away. She felt horrible. Guilty.

"Chlo we were busting our asses all night trying to find and figure out what happened to Blair. You kept that from your own brother." Chuck only watched from the cracked door. Chuck wasn't upset about Chloe keeping this from him, so he didn't understand why Nate was so upset by it. "So where is she now?"

"I texted Dan to take her to the airport." Nate chuckles sarcastically.

"Dan." He laughs again. Chloe's eyes brimmed with tears. He got closer to her and she could practically smell the alcohol. Maybe he just had one too many at the wedding. No. Maybe he was actually upset you idiot. "Do you love him? Is that why you texted him? Not me? Not Serena? Not your brother?"

"Nathaniel." Chloe snapped this time. "This has nothing to do with him. I texted him because I knew no one would suspect the two of them together. Louis, or his mother. I feel nothing for Daniel Humphrey." Serena saw Charli begin to wake up, she carry's him into Chucks room, rocking him back to sleep. She knew his parents wouldn't want him to hear the two of them arguing. The girl, Lola, found the whole situation entertaining. Chuck heard a little laugh out of her making him glare at her. She stops instantly, turning red in the cheeks. "I love you. I've always loved you. It has never been anyone else but you. I understand why you're upset and I apologize. This was never meant to hurt you."

"I just don't understand how you could keep something from me. We told each other no more secrets." He shooks his head, walking to leave the room. Chloe grabbed his hand once more. "Just give me a minute." He didn't even look at her as he left. He opened the door and walked pass Chuck, taking a beer and exiting the suite. Chuck goes to Chloe, hugging her tightly.

Dan rolled his eyes once more as Blair complained about having to spend more time with him. The two had to go to a hotel room since the woman at the airport denied her boarding the plane without her passport and the news showed her face claiming that she was a missing person. Dan wasn't doing this for her anyways, he was doing this because Chloe asked. The two have an outburst at each other, and just as Dan was about to leave he hears a knock on the door. The plan was if Blair couldn't get on the plane then she would be staying at a specific hotel, to which Chloe told Chuck and Serena where she would be. Chloe couldn't even think about this situation right now as she and Nate just got into a really bad argument. She calls Margaret, who takes Charli over to her suite and watches him as Chloe heads downstairs. There she sees Nate at the bar. She sighs, about to walk up to him but someone else takes a seat next to him. The girl. Lola.

She could practically feel herself shaking. Something inside of her triggers her emotions. She walked closer to the two, trying to steady her breathing.

"Hey don't worry about her." Lola tries to cheer him up.

"Uhm. She's my wife. She's the mother of my kids. That was a dumb thing to say." He takes a sip of his beer. He didn't even know why the girl was here and why she overstated her welcome. They only allowed her to come because they needed her car. If Chloe wasn't in the situation she was in she would've laughed out loud. Nate could be so sassy sometimes.

"I know it's just...I know what it's like when someone keeps secrets from you. You just feel like you can't trust them anymore." Lola lays her hand on his shoulder. "You guys are young. Really young. Imagine more down the line, how many more secrets is she gonna keep." Nate looks up at her, searching her face. Lola smiled at him. Chloe wanted to throw up. She felt that she should just walks away but he caught her attention.

"No I'm not checking you out. I'm just trying to figure out why you're talking to me like you know me. Like you know my wife." Chloe felt like she could breath again. "My wife isn't perfect but she's damn near close to it. My wife has given back to more people than I can imagine. My wife carried and is carrying my son and daughter. Do not talk about my wife as if you know anything about her. Capeesh?" He got up, walking down to another seat at the bar. Chloe wished she could get a picture of Lola's face. She watched as Lola left, and walks over to Nate.

"Nathaniel." He turns around at her voice, he helps her up on the seat but doesn't make a lot of eye contact with her. "I know you're upset that I kept a secret but it seems like there's something else wrong." She watches him. She'll never not love the way his face moves when he's frustrated. It's like a kid trying to learn how to ride a bike for the first time. It's adorable but she had to stay serious.

"I've just had a lot of stress. Grandfather thinks I can't make it in this world without him. My cousin tried to kill the both of us. I don't even talk to my mother anymore. You're the only one I trust Chloe. And I feel like I have nothing if you keep something from me." Chloe's heart broke. She never thought about it like that but she wished she did.

"I'm so sorry Nate. I understand. I should've never kept it from you. You're not just anyone. You're my husband and I promise I will never put anything over you or this family again." Nate kisses her deeply, wanting to hear those exact words. He hugs her tightly, not wanting to let go. "And please don't ever yell at me like that again. I'm too hormonal." He chuckles, wiping his tears in secret before kissing her forehead. His inner child needed this.

"I promise Clover. Now let's go get some rest with our son."

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