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Nate makes his way around Constance, looking for his beautiful fiancée but couldn't seem to find her anywhere. She had to be around here somewhere right? This was the last place she had told her she'll be. He checks his phone to check Gossip Girl but there was nothing about her on there. After making his rounds, he starts to look for Blair, who he also couldn't find. Something was up, it didn't feel right. He sees Dan at the bar getting himself a drink, so he joins. Dan didn't know if he were walking over to him or to just get a drink at the bar but he decided to play it cool.

"Hey man have you seen Chloe?" Nate asks, leaning against the bar. He hadn't spoken to Dan in forever, but if this was going to find Chloe then he'll put his differences aside.

"No I'm sorry. Maybe she's with Chuck, I heard he's in rehab-" he cut himself off after Chuck walked into the room. "Oh. What's going on?" Nate turns around seeing Chuck as well.

"It's a long story." He sighs, Chuck begins to look around for Blair. But if Blair were here she would be with Chloe, so he looks for his sister as well. Getting frustrated that he couldn't find any. He sees Dan talking to Eric, and taps his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you." Eric gets freaking out once Nate goes up to Chuck to say the same thing. Serena and Vanessa also copying. Wait, Vanessa? Eric listens thoroughly to Chuck who seemed scared that he couldn't find Chloe or Blair. He goes to get Blair's old minions. Everyone looks to them.

"Half an hour ago I saw Blair talking to the chick in Serena's dress. Then she took Chloe and bolted." Nate's heart dropped. His plan. If he were right, his plan might've caused this. He and Chuck make their way to the Empire quickly to see if the girls were there but they weren't. While heading up in the elevator Nate confesses that he told Raina about her father. The father that killed her mother, and the mother that she's been looking for. He only told her to spite her. To get back at her for all the times she's spoke ill about Chloe. For trying to take his best friends and fiancé's business down. Raina blamed them, so it was time she knew the truth. Chuck raged, knowing that Thorpe is going to get back at him somehow. Raina shows herself, admitting that her father was going crazy. She apologizes to Chuck, and also wanted to apologize to Chloe.

"Blair isn't here is she?" Chuck asks Raina.

"No, and I've been here for at least half an hour." Before anyone else could answer anything, Nate's phone began to ring. His heart racing hearing the ringtone he specifically set for Chloe. He answers quickly.

"Chloe?" He doesn't hear any speaking, just rummaging. Chuck watches him closely, waiting for an answer of where they are.

Blair stood in front of Chloe to protect her just in case anything would happen. She tries to open the door but it was shut tight. All Russel did was play with a lighter, making Chloe very nervous. Blair held her hand tightly, to afraid to let go. It was making them crazy that Russel was acting so calm while they were freaking out. All Chloe could think about was Charli, Chuck and Nate. Nate, who she had just called on speed dial to try and warn him.

"I don't understand why you're doing this." Blair cries, Russel continues to play with the lighter. Not affected by anything they were saying to him.

"You tricked us to coming to my brothers new hotel, saying that he was in jeopardy and now you won't let us leave!" Chloe stated very clearly that she was at Chuck's new hotel, hoping Nate got the memo.

"You and Chuck might not be together Mrs.Waldorf, and as for you Chloe, you're the most important woman to him in his life. Meaning both of you are the people he loves most in this world." He holds the lighter up. "You're not going anywhere tonight." Blair tries to reason with him but he continues not care, looking around the room making Blair agitated. "This is taking longer than I thought." The girls look at him confused. "I turned on the gas before you got here, this place is big and drafty." They both yell for him to stop, Chloe crying.

"Please don't. Don't do this, I have a son. My baby needs me, I'm suppose to go home to him tonight. Blair is his godmother, who always plays with him and he loves her so much. You're all about family right? Why would you do this to someone so innocent, why would you take their mother away?" She finally stood in front of Blair, walking closer to him. Blair tries to hold her back but Russel seemed to be finally listening.

"Your family made me lose my family." He mutters, looking away, trying to convince himself that what he was doing was right.

"I know you think the Basses are evil, trust me I get it. I've loved Chuck for so long, and he's punished me for it. He ended up treating me like something he owned instead of something he heard. And it destroyed me. I thought I'd never get over it but I finally found a way out of the darkness and you can too." Russel stood up, backing the girls away from him.

"No. I can't." He holds the lighter up, about to throw it down but they scream. The door smashes open, Chuck gets a hold of Blair and Chloe, holding them tightly. Nate running in as well, making Chloe run into his arms. Crying hard into his chest but still peeking at Russel to see what he'll do. Raina looks to her father in horror. Russel's heart breaks for a second time, seeing his daughter find out he's doing this horrible thing. She walks to him slowly, his eyes filling up with tears as he hears his daughter forgive him and love him. That was until she snatched the lighter away, letting him know that he'll be going to jail and she will never visit him. Nate carries Chloe out quickly with everyone following behind him. He comforts Chloe as she shakes in fear.

This just in Blair Waldorf and Chloe Bass MIA at constance. Does Blair not know her prince is waiting? Or has she found a new one.

Blair and Chloe hug after giving their statements to the police. Blair felt horrible for bringing Chloe along and dragging her into this, Charli could've lost his mom and that's all she could think about. But Chloe didn't blame her, if something were really wrong with Chuck she was grateful that Blair even told her. Chuck grabs Chloe, holding her tightly. He sighs in her arms, apologizing profusely. He smiles at something behind Chloe, he turns around around. They all watch as Nate gets out of the car, carrying Charli. He had left real quick after giving his statement to surprise Chloe.

"Aww my baby!" Charli squeals, bouncing in his moms arms while she holds him tightly.

"Mama! Mama!" She kisses all over his face, everyone laughs while Charli giggles at all the kisses. Chloe and Nate say their goodbyes, getting into the limo and going home. Chloe leans her head on Nate's shoulder, and was about to fall asleep just like the two boys had but her phone vibrates in her jacket pocket. She reads the message, not sure if she should be smiling or confused by the text.

Hey! Hope all is well, can't wait to get back to work tomorrow, it's really fun working with you. Have a good rest of your night xx - Sam

She puts her phone away, brushing the text off, but something in the back of her mind told her that this wouldn't be the end of those messages from Sam...and gosh was she right. Once they got into their suite Chloe come Charli back to sleep, singing to him quietly. She didn't want to let go. Tonight taught her to never take another day for granted, her son was her all. She couldn't even imagine his life without her. After a long hot bath with Nate and a foot massage, they finally get themselves comfortable in bed. Something was bugging Chloe and Nate could tell.

"What's wrong?" He asks, leaning on his arm to get a better view of her face. She doesn't answer for a couple of minutes. Only smiling to herself. "What?" He chuckles.

"Let's get married."

"We're already getting married?"


J here!! HAPPY 100TH CHAPTER WOWOWOW!! Ugh I'm so sorry for not updating, I've had covid which is very difficult since I have severe asthma so it was really scary. I tested negative and I'm so happy about that, but my asthma is so much worse than before covid. It was a bit frustrating so I've been quarantined for 11 months now yet still caught so be safe guys!! And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH ME!! One more chapter then season 5 is taking off!! I'm so excited heheheh

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